CIOFS Electon Results

Peace to each of your hearts!

Through the kindness of our International Councillor, Mary Stronach, OFS, we have learned the results of the Chapter of Elections for our International Fraternity held in Assisi:

Our new General Minister is Tibor Kauser, OFS, from Hungary.

Our new Vice General Minister is Maria Consuelo De Nunez (Chelito), OFS, from Venezuela.

The remaining Councillors are:

  • Ana Fruk, OFS, from Croatia
  • Ana Maria Raffo Laos, OFS, from Peru
  • Attilio Galimberti, OFS, from Italy
  • Michel Janian, OFS, from Lebanon
  • Diana Silva Noemi, OFS, from Argentina
  • Jenny Harrington, OFS, from South Africa
  • Augustine Young Hak Yoon, OFS, from Korea

Please hold them in prayer as they begin their term of service to each of us.


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