From the Heart of Our Minister, April, 2015

PEACE to each of your hearts as we celebrate the SOLEMNITY of our Risen Lord!

In a homily delivered on March 17, 2013, our Holy Father, Pope Francis said,

I think we too are the people who, on the one hand, want to listen to Jesus, but on the other hand, at times, like to find a stick to beat others with, to condemn others. And Jesus has this message for us: mercy. I think — and I say it with humility — that this is the Lord’s most powerful message: mercy.

In February of
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Thoughts from your Regional Formation Director, April, 2015

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

May the Peace of the Risen Lord be with you all!

As we celebrate the Resurrection of our Blessed Lord, let us joyfully keep on the path of conversion, clearly this is not the end.

Let us touch on the topic about Contemplation and how it is a means of a deeper love and seeing all things in the true relation to God as Francis and Clare.

We should spend more time building our relationship with God. Let us use Francis and Clare as a model to apply to our daily lives. Francis became like Christ
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Fr. Francis’ Greetings, April, 2015

April 2015

Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis,


The Lord give you his peace! and lead you through the mystery of His Passion and Death to the joy of His Resurrection and our Renewed Life in Jesus!

I raise my eyes to the mountains. From where comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. (Psalm 121: 1-2) Who may go up to the mountain of the Lord?…The clean of hand, the pure of heart …they will receive blessings from the Lord. (Psalm 24: 3-05) Mountains and hills play an
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Fr. Francis' Reflections, April, 2015


April 2015

Let every creature in heaven,

on earth, in the sea and in the depths,

give praise, glory, honor and blessing

to Him Who suffered so much,

Who has given and will give in the future every good,

for He is our power and strength,

Who alone is good,

Who alone is almighty,

Who alone is omnipotent, wonderful, glorious

and Who alone is holy,

worthy of praise and blessing

through endless
Continue reading: Fr. Francis’ Reflections, April, 2015