The Next Three Years – April 2016

My dear Brothers and Sisters, peace and Easter joy!  This is my first post as the elected Regional Minister.  Thank you for your confidence in my ability to be your servant for the next three years. It is not easy to follow our Sister, Mattie Ward, OFS, who has served for the last 9 years as Regional Minister. I cannot follow in her footsteps, I can only bring my own footsteps to the job.  I’m sure I will make mistakes, I’m sure I will falter, but I am also sure I will do my very best to be here for you and be available whenever a need arises.


At this moment, the next three years is a blank slate.  The Regional Executive Coucil will be meeting soon to discuss plans and ideas.  Our Sister, Rose Viragh, OFS, Regional Formation Director, has already started to put together a Formation Directors’ Workshop that will be scheduled for the coming year.


When the brand new Regional Executive Council met shortly after the elections, there was an agreement that we will work to strengthen the relationships in each District.  We need to learn from each other……what is your fraternity doing that another fraternity can adopt?  What can we accomplish together?  How can we serve each other and the communities around us?  Each one of us is a part of this Region and together we can make a difference whether it is to one person, one neighborhood, one opportunity that St. Francis is bringing before us.

Whatever the next three years bring, I promise you that with the help of God, I will do what is mine to do.

The Lord’s choicest blessings!


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