Message from the Regional Minister for July 2017

How is your Franciscanism doing these days?

Seems like a strange question. I’m not asking how you are doing, what’s new or what’s going on. How is your Franciscanism doing? Is it gaining weight or is it on a diet, slowly being lost, shed or forgotten?

These are hard times to be a Franciscan. Everything is disposable, replaceable, or of little value. Got a better one? Throw the old one out. Can’t use all of that…chuck the rest.

I recently read the newsletter from the Hospitalier Brothers of St. John of God. There was a statement that caught my eye
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Thoughts for July from the Regional Formation Director

Greetings dear brothers and sisters!

Hope all of you are enjoying your summer and when necessary keeping cool as well.

This month I would like to speak about prayer and the spiritual journey.

We know that our Rule addresses prayer in our articles which are Article #4, Article #8. Article 4 We devote ourselves to careful reading of the gospel with openness going from gospel life and life to the gospel. We reflect on scripture and listen to God and see how he is speaking to us and incorporate the Gospel into our lives. Article 8 addresses the sacramental life
Continue reading: Thoughts for July from the Regional Formation Director

Greetings from Father Francis - July, 2017

St. Katherine Drexel Regional Fraternity

Regional Spiritual Assistant

St. Francis of Assisi Friary

1901 Prior Road

Wilmington, Delaware 19809

tel: (302) 798-1454 fax: (302) 798-3360 website: skdsfo email:


July 2017

Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis,

The Lord bless you with His peace!

Before the Vatican II revision of the Liturgical Year Calendar, the Franciscan Family commemorated the canonization of our Seraphic Father on July 16. It was a simple celebration that consisted of a commemorative prayer added to the prayers for the liturgical feast
Continue reading: Greetings from Father Francis – July, 2017

Daily Reflections for July 2017

O loving one bear in mind your poor children for whom, without you, their one and only consolation, there is little comfort… they still .. tearfully cry out to you: O father, place before Jesus Christ, son of the Most High Father, His sacred stigmata; and show Him the signs of the cross on your hands, feet, and side, that He may mercifully bare His own wounds to the Father, and because of this the Father will ever show us in our anguish His tenderness. Amen.

(Prayer to St. Francis from the End of the Second Book of the Life
Continue reading: Daily Reflections for July 2017