OFS Prayer Intentions for 2018


To underline our communion with the Pope, we offer the intention of the Holy Father for the month and an intention for OFS according to the life and important events of the Order.



For the Evangelization: That Christians, and other religious minorities in Asian Countries, may be able to practice their faith in full freedom.

OFS: For the national fraternities of Togo, Mozambique, and Korea.

Our Father…


Universal: That those who
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Reflections from Father Sariego, OFM Cap – January, 2018

January 2018


Lord, just as I believe that at an earlier time

(I may have been sinful and not fully open to Your will)

so now I realize that, because of Your abundant mercy

and in Your own time, You have shown an abundance of Your mercies to (me)…

Give glory to Your name,

(may I) offer the fragrance of good life, doctrine, and good reputation

to the whole Christian people.

I ask you therefore, Lord Jesus Christ, Father of mercies,

not to consider our ingratitude.

May (I) always be mindful of the abundant mercies which you have shown
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Reflections from Father Sariego, OFM Cap - January 2018

St. Katherine Drexel Regional Fraternity

Regional Spiritual Assistant

St. Francis of Assisi Friary

1901 Prior Road

Wilmington, Delaware 19809

tel: (302) 798-1454 fax: (302) 798-3360 website: skdsfo email: pppgusa@gmail.com

January 2018

Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis,

The Lord give you His peace and blessings now and throughout the New Year!

The prophet, speaking in the name of God, says, My Word will not return without fulfilling the purpose for which It was sent. From the very beginning of time, when the Almighty Creator and
Continue reading: Greetings from Father Sariego, OFM Cap – January 2018

Thoughts from your Regional Formation Director - January, 2018

Thoughts from your Regional Formation Director January 2018

Greetings to you my sisters and brothers in Christ and Saint Francis of Assisi. I hope that this past Christmas Season was a blessing for you and your families. And I pray that the coming year, 2018, be filled with God’s abundant blessings for you, your families and for your fraternities!

As we discussed last time, those who have gone before us have laid a very good foundation and given us the tools we need to have strong Initial and Ongoing formation programs. We have the FUN Manual, the Regional
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