Dear brothers and sisters, the Lord is RISEN! Alleluia!! Alleluia!! I’m sure you are thinking that is a mighty strange picture for Easter Sunday so let me explain. I have never seen a picture like this before. It speaks to my very soul. After all that Jesus has gone through this past week, when he finally gets back to the Father, Jesus is held against the Father’s chest while the Father gently kisses His Son. I don’t see them, but I think God the Father has a tear or two rolling down His cheeks. This picture says a whole lot to me about the situation we are in right now. When we can be with our families again there will be wildly, joyful, exuberant hugs. But there will be that one family member who just holds you against his or her chest, gently kissing your head while tears stream down his or her cheeks.
Our Lord has RISEN, risen, indeed! We, however, are still in this hell with no end in sight. Our day for rejoicing is coming.We could never make it through without this day occurring. Be grateful today that our Lord has triumphed over death. But remember, He was alone when it happened. Just like we are alone now. He understands how we are feeling. So, some time today, lean into His chest and wait for the kiss. He understands and He is waiting for you! Alleluia! Alleluia!!
May the Lord comfort you today and may you enjoy today in whatever way you can!