Change me Lord.
As I flip over the calendar to a new year,
Let me flip over a new attitude in my life.
Change me Lord.
Help me to let go of the baggage that is
attempting to push its way into my future.
Change me Lord.
Let me see and believe in all the possibilities
that a new year and a new attitude can bring to my life.Take my hands Lord.
Let my fingers never type or post words of division and hurt.
Renew my fingers to release words of hope, encouragement and love.
Let my hands never be a part of ill-will or a cause of disunion.
Renew my hands to be used to bring comfort, friendship and aid to others.
Take my feet Lord.
Let my feet never lead to places of discouragement, despair or separation.
Renew my steps and lead me where I can share your love and hope in the world.
Take my eyes and ears Lord.
Let me never limit my mind to only what I think or hear.
Open my eyes and ears to see and hear the cries of those who need my help
within my small life and within the larger world.
Take my heart Lord.
Take my heart of stone and apathy.
Give me a heart so full of awe and love for what You have created
That I will burst forth from my cocoon to live fully in Your Spirit.
Take my life Lord.
Change me Lord.
January 11, 2021
Kathy Taormina, OFS
FY/YA Commission SA
Queen of Peace Regional SA