Spirit of St. Francis Chapter of Elections-June 18, 2023

Dear brothers and sisters of Saint Katharine Drexel Regional Fraternity,

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

In preparation for their Chapter of Elections, Jerry Sanvardine, OFS (Minister) told me that the fraternity planned to attend the 9:30 AM Mass at St. Anthony Church because Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony Parish had this announcement in their Corpus Christi Sunday bulletin:

“ON THE HORIZON—OUR PATRONAL FEAST WEEKEND OF JUNE 17-18 SAINT ANTHONY OF PADUA We shall be honoring the co-patron of our parish at all Masses the weekend of June 17-18. While the actual feast day is Tuesday, June 13, liturgical law permits that a patronal feast may be observed on the nearest weekend. This permits a greater and more solemn celebration of our parish feast day. The faithful will be able to venerate St. Anthony’s relic at the conclusion of Mass. The usual weekday Masses will be celebrated on June 13.”

This Mass was offered for the intentions of Spirit of St. Francis Fraternity.

Pam Stout, OFS (Regional Secretary), and Jeff Redder, OFS (Regional Councilor-at-large) accompanied me to the elections.  With great joy, I announce the results of the Chapter of Elections held on June 18, 2023 for Spirit of St. Francis Fraternity in Hamilton, NJ:

Name Position Helpful Info
Jerry Sanvardine, OFS Minister Reelected
Mike Sabol, OFS Vice Minister Reelected
Christine Muszynski, OFS Secretary New
Joe Campos, OFS Treasurer Reelected
Sue Campos, OFS Formation Director New (previous secretary)
Joanne Sanvardine, OFS Councilor Reelected

(Seated l-r): Pam Stout (SKD Secretary), Sue Campos (Formation Director), Teresa Redder (SKD Minister), Joanne Sanvardine (Councilor), Christine Muszynski (Secretary)

(Standing l-r): Joe Campos (Treasurer), Jerry Sanvardine (Minister), Mike Sabol (Vice Minister), Msgr John Dermond (Spiritual Asst & Ecclesial Witness), & Jeff Redder (SKD Councilor)

Note: Jerry made the beautiful Tau cross that Teresa is holding.  One of these Tau crosses was on each table of the gathering area and a wonderful reminder of our profession commitment.

The fraternity also joyfully celebrated the birthdays of Jean Fell (June 11th) and Sue Campos (June 16th).

May God continue to bless these faithful servant leaders and the fraternity that they serve with peace, goodness, and joy!

Peace and all good,


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