Prayer for the Servant Leader

Brothers and sisters,

Jen Drees, OFS (Regional Formation Director) has started monthly “office hours” with local fraternity formation directors. During their Zoom meetings, they have used a prayer resource from the National Fraternity USA website under “Pray with Us/Prayers for Fraternal Life.”


As many fraternities in our region prepare for their Chapters of Election, let us consider making this a part of our personal and communal prayer patterns. The very opening of this prayer is a testament to someone seeking out and desiring to do God’s will:

“Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my
Continue reading: Prayer for the Servant Leader

November 2023-Fr. Francis Sariego, OFM Cap, Monthly Reflection

Saint Katharine Drexel Regional Fraternity Spiritual Assistant

St. Francis of Assisi Friary

1901 Prior Road

Wilmington, Delaware 19809

tel: (302) 798-1454 fax: (302) 798-3360 website: skdsfo email:

Happy Thanksgiving

Be grateful God is God and that there is no Other

and for God’s abundant Blessings.

November 2023

Most High, all-powerful, good Lord,

Yours are the praises, the glory, and the honor, and all blessing,

To you alone, Most High, do they
Continue reading: November 2023-Fr. Francis Sariego, OFM Cap, Monthly Reflection

November 2023-

St. Katherine Drexel Regional Fraternity

Regional Spiritual Assistant

St. Francis of Assisi Friary

1901 Prior Road

Wilmington, Delaware 19809

tel: (302) 798-1454 fax: (302) 798-3360 website: skdsfo email:

November, 2023

Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis,

The Lord give you peace!

We have been elevated to the supernatural state, redeemed and saved, and we are destined for Eternity with God, “co-eternity”. We need to consider death not as the end of everything. It is not the end. It is not ruin. It is not
Continue reading: November 2023-Fr. Francis Sariego, OFM Cap, Monthly Greetings