St. Katherine Drexel Regional Fraternity
Regional Spiritual Assistant
St. Francis of Assisi Friary
1901 Prior Road
Wilmington, Delaware 19809
tel: (302) 798-1454 fax: (302) 798-3360 website: skdsfo email:
March 2025
Most High, glorious God,
enlighten the darkness of my heart and give me
true faith, certain hope, and perfect charity,
sense and knowledge, Lord, that I may carry out
Your holy and true command. Amen.
(Prayer of St. Francis before the Crucifix)
(Franciscan Sources Daily thought from Assisi Compilation 37-46,
daily quotes from various sources)
1 – [He used to pierce eyes that are not chaste with this parable. “A powerful] and pious king sent two messengers to his queen, one after the other. The first returned and simply reported her words verbatim. Truly the eyes of the wise man stayed in his head and did not dart elsewhere. The other returned and, after reporting in brief words, launched into a long story about the lady’s beauty. ‘Truly, my lord, I saw a lovely woman; happy is he who enjoys her!’
– When I will what God wills, then I know my heart is right.
2 – And the king said, ‘You evil servant, you cast your shameless eyes on my wife? It is clear that you would like to buy what you inspected so carefully!’ He then called back the first messenger and asked: ‘What did you think of the queen?’ And he answered: ‘I thought very highly of her, for she listened gladly and then replied wisely.’ ‘And don’t you think she’s beautiful?’ the king said. ‘My lord,’ he said, ‘this is for you to see; my job was simply to deliver messages.’
– Lord, enlighten my mind to see my sinfulness.
3 – And the king then pronounced his sentence: ‘You, chaste of eyes, even more chaste in body, stay in my chamber. Let that other man leave my house, so he does not defile my marriage bed.’ ” He used to say: Who would not fear to look at the bride of Christ?
– Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
4 – Sometimes he used to do this: a sweet melody of the spirit bubbling up inside him would become on the outside a French tune; the thread of a divine whisper which his ears heard secretly would break out in a French song. Other times—as I saw with my own eyes—he would pick up a stick from the ground and put it over his left arm, while holding a bent bow in his right hand, drawing it over the stick as if it were a viola, performing all the right movements, and in French would sing] about God.
– Body of Christ, save me.
5 – All of this dancing often ended in tears, and the cry of joy dissolved into compassion for Christ’s suffering. Then the saint would sigh without stopping and sob without ceasing. Forgetful of lower things he had in hand, he was caught up to heaven.
– Blood of Christ, inebriate me.
6 – In order to preserve the virtue of holy humility, a few years after his conversion, at a chapter, he resigned the office of prelate before all the brothers of the religion, saying: “From now on, I am dead to you. But here you have Brother Peter of Catanio; let us all, you and I, obey him.” And bowing down immediately, he promised him obedience and reverence.
– Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
7 – The brothers were weeping, and sorrow drew deep groans from them, as they saw themselves orphaned of such a father. As blessed Francis got up, he joined his hands and, lifting his eyes to heaven, said: “Lord, I give back to You the family which until now You have entrusted to me. Now, sweetest Lord, because of my infirmities, which You know, I can no longer take care of them and I entrust them to the ministers.
– Passion of Christ, strengthen me.
8 – If any brother should perish because of their negligence, or example, or even harsh correction, let them be bound to render an account for it before You, Lord, on the day of judgment.” From that time on, he remained subject until his death, behaving more humbly than any of the others.
– O Good Jesus, hear me.
9 – Another time he consigned all his companions to his vicar, saying: “I don’t want to seem singular because of this privilege of freedom; any brothers can go with me from place to place ‘as the Lord inspires them.’” And he added: “Why, I have seen a blind man who had no guide for his journey except one little dog.” This indeed was his glory: he gave up any appearance of being singular or important, so that the power of Christ might dwell in him.
– Within Your wounds hide me, Good Jesus.
10 – He used to affirm that the Lesser Brothers had been sent from the Lord in these last times to show forth examples of light to those wrapped in the darkness of sins. He would say that he was filled with the sweetest fragrance and anointed with strength from precious ointment whenever he heard of the great deeds of holy brothers in faraway lands. It happened that a brother once threw out an insulting word at another brother in the presence of a nobleman of the island of Cyprus.
– Good Jesus, do not allow me to be separated from you.
11 – But when he saw that his brother was rather hurt by the impact of that word, he took some donkey manure and, burning with rage against himself, put it into his mouth to chew, saying: “Let the tongue that spat the poison of anger on my brother now chew manure!”
– Lord Jesus, defend me from the wicked enemy of my soul.
12 – At seeing this, that man was thunder-stuck, and went away greatly edified; from that time on, he put himself and all he had at disposal of the brothers. All the brothers observed this custom without fail: if any of them spoke an upsetting word to another, he would immediately fall to the ground and embrace the feet of the one he had offended, even if unwilling, with holy kisses.
– Good Jesus, at the hour of death call me to Yourself.
13 – The saint rejoiced over such behavior, when he heard the examples of holiness that his sons themselves produced, and he would heap blessings worthy of full acceptance on those brothers, who, by word or deed, led sinners to the love of Christ. Zeal for souls, which filled him completely, made him want his sons to resemble him as a true likeness.
– Grant, good Jesus, that I may praise You with all the saints forever and ever.
14 – As he neared the end of his call to the Lord, a brother said to him: “Father, you will pass on, and the family of your followers will be left behind in this vale of tears. Point out someone in the Order, if you know one, on whom your spirit may rest, and on whom the weight of the general ministry may safely be laid.” Saint Francis, drawing a sigh with every word, replied as follows: “Son, I find no one adequate to be the leader of such a varied army, or the shepherd of such a widespread flock. But I would like to paint one for you to show clearly what kind of person the father of this family should be.
– No one can produce great things who is not thoroughly sincere in dealing with himself.
15 – “He must be a person of very dignified life, of great discernment, and of praiseworthy reputation. He must be without personal favorites, lest by loving some more than others, he create scandal for all. He must be a committed friend of holy prayer, who can distribute some hours for his soul and others for the flock entrusted to him. He must put the sacrament of the Mass first, early in the morning, and with prolonged devotion commend himself and his flock to divine protection.
– My sense of sin is linked to my sense of God.
16 – “After prayer, he must make himself available for all to pick at him, and he should respond to all and provide for all with meekness. He is someone who does not create sordid favoritism toward persons, but will take as much care of the lesser and simple brothers as of the learned and greater ones. Even if he should be allowed to excel in gifts of learning, he should all the more bear in his behavior the image of holy simplicity and nourish this virtue. He should loathe money, the principal corrupter of our profession and perfection. As the head of our [religion, offering himself to others as someone to be imitated, he must never engage in the abuse of using any money pouch.” – The closer I am to God, the more aware I am of my sinfulness.
17 – “For his needs,” he said, “a habit and a little book should be enough for him and, for the brothers’ needs he should have a pen case and seal. He should not be a book collector or too intent on reading, so he does not take away from his duties what he spends on his studies.
– Distance from God reduces the contrast necessary for me to recognize my true condition.
18 – Let him be someone who comforts the afflicted, and the final refuge of the distressed, so that the sickness of despair does not overcome the sick because he did not offer healing remedies. In order to bend rebels to meekness, let him lower himself and let go of some of his rights that he may gain a soul for Christ.
– They are two kinds of people: the righteous who believe themselves sinners, and the rest who believe themselves righteous.
19 – As for runaways from the Order, let him not close the heart of mercy to them, for they are like lost sheep; and he knows how overpowering the temptations can be which can push someone to such a fall.”
– O Lord, reform our world, beginning with me.
20 – “I want all to honor him as standing in Christ’s place, and to be provided for in everything with all the kindness of Christ. He must not enjoy honors, nor delight in approval more than insults. If he should need more substantial food, he should not eat it in secret but in a public place, so that others may be freed from embarrassment at having to provide for their weak bodies.
– Voice of Jesus, you called me when I strayed from You.
21 – It especially pertains to him to discern what is hidden in consciences and to draw out the truth from its hidden veins. Let him never weaken the manly norm of justice, and he must feel such a great office more a burden than an honor. And yet, excessive meekness should not give birth to slackness, nor loose indulgence to a breakdown of discipline, so that, loved by all, he is feared nonetheless, by those who work evil.
– Arms of Jesus, you raised me when I slipped and fell.
22 – I would like him to have companions endowed with honesty, who], with him, [show themselves an example of all good works, strong against difficulties, and yet friendly in the right way, so that they receive all who come to them with holy cheerfulness. There,” he concluded, “the general minister of the Order should be like this”.
– Heart of Jesus, You loved me even when I sin.
23 – Once a brother asked him why he had renounced the care of all the brothers and turned them over into the hands of others, as if they did not belong to him. He replied: “Son, I love the brothers as I can, but if they would and would not make myself a stranger to them. For, there are some among the prelates who draw them in a different direction, placing before them the examples of the ancients and paying little attention to my warnings. But what they are doing will be seen in the end.”
– The great thing in this world is not where we are, but in what direction we are going.
24 – A short time later, when he was suffering a serious illness, he raised himself up in bed in an angry spirit: “Who are these people? They have snatched out of my hands my religion and that of the brothers. If I go to the general chapter, I’ll show them what is my will.”
– God will not look you over for medals, degrees, or diplomas, but scars
25 – Blessed Francis [was not embarrassed to go through the city’s public places to find some meat for a sick brother. However, he also advised the sick to be patient when things were lacking and not stir up a scandal if everything was not to their satisfaction.
– It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are held accountable.
26 – Because of this he had these words written in one of the Rules: “I beg all my sick brothers that in their illness they do not become angry or upset at the Lord or the brothers. They should not anxiously seek medicines, nor desire too eagerly to free the flesh that is soon to die and is an enemy of the soul.
– Lord, teach me about death, that it may teach me about life.
27 – Let them give thanks for all things and let them desire to be however God wills them to be. For God teaches with the rod of punishments and sicknesses those whom he has destined to eternal life as he himself has said: ‘Those whom I love I correct and chastise.’
– One cannot prepare for death too soon, because one cannot be sure when too soon will be too late.
28 – He burned with great zeal for the common profession and Rule, and endowed those who were zealous about it with a special blessing. He called it their Book of Life, the hope of salvation, the marrow of the Gospel, the way of perfection, the key of Paradise, the pact of an eternal covenant. – Ever notice how everybody wants to go to heaven and nobody wants to die?
29 – He wanted all to have it, all to know it, in all places to let it speak to the inner man, as encouragement in weariness and as a reminder of a sworn oath. He taught them to keep it always before their eyes as a reminder of the life they should lead, and, what is more, that they should die with it.
– Unexpressed gratitude is like winking at someone in the dark, You know how you feel about them, but they don’t.
30 – This teaching was not forgotten by a certain lay brother whom we believe should be venerated among the martyrs, since he gained the palm of glorious victory. When he was taken by the Saracens to his martyrdom, he held the Rule in his uplifted hands, and kneeling humbly, said to his companion: “Dear brother I proclaim myself guilty before the eye’s of Majesty of everything I ever did against this holy Rule!”
– Some complain that God put thorns on roses; others give thanks that God put roses among the thorns.
31 – The stroke of the sword followed this short confession, and with his martyrdom he ended his life, and afterwards shone with signs and wonders. This brother had entered the Order so young that he could hardly bear the Rule’s fasting, yet even as a boy he wore a harness next to his skin. Oh happy child, who began happily to end even happier!
– Gratitude is a sign of noble souls.
Prayer of King Mannasseh
Lord Almighty, God of our ancestors, You made heaven and Earth with all their beauty.
You set limits for creation by Your powerful and glorious Name.
All things stand in awe in Your presence,
because no one can endure the splendor of Your glory.
Your promised mercies are beyond measure and imagination, because You are the highest,
Lord, kind, patient, and merciful, and You care for Your children who suffer.
You, Lord, according to Your gentle grace,
promised forgiveness to those who are sorry for their sins.
In Your great mercy, You allowed sinners to turn from their sins and find salvation.
Lord, God of those who do what is right,
You always offer us chances to change our hearts and lives.
You offer me, the sinner, the chance to change my heart and life.
My sins are many, Lord. I am not worthy to look up, to gaze into heaven.
I bow down before You from deep within my heart, imploring Your kindness.
Forgive me, Lord, forgive me. For You, Lord, are God of those who turn from their sins.
In me You’ll show how kind You are.
Although I’m not worthy, You’ll save me according to Your great mercy.
I will praise You continuously all the days of my life,
because all the hosts of heaven praise You.
The glory is Yours forever and ever. Amen
(adapted abbreviated form of the Penitential Prayer of King Manasseh of Judah,
an apocryphal Scripture found in St. Jerome’s translation)
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