Fr. Francis' Greetings - December, 2014

theotokos_with_christ_childDecember 2014

 Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis,

 May the Infant Jesus grant your heart the Peace you desire.

May His Star enlighten your mind with the splendor of His Truth.

May His Love consume your heart so that it beats solely for Him.

God’s Word for the first Sunday in Advent speaks of the Lord’s unexpected return to close the experience of time and opens for us the reality of eternity. The Scripture passages for this Sunday may have different effects on those who read them. Some may feel that the words are only figurative, intended to convey the need for people to change their lives or be responsible for the consequences of their choices in this life. Others may read the words and see in them a warning about a real event to take place in the immediate future, thus instilling a sense of fear, trembling and a “forced” changed of heart… (Can any heart be changed by force!?)…Then there are those who read the words as they have been read for centuries. These read them as a reminder and a loving warning of what will come about for all human beings created to share in eternal life. This is a reminder and a warning to be heeded but not feared for those who have striven to be faithful to God. » Click to continue reading “Fr. Francis’ Greetings – December, 2014” »

Fr. Francis' Greetings - November, 2014

Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis,  stonetau

The Lord give you his peace!

Today me, tomorrow you. (This is a loose translation of the Latin inscription: Hodie mihi, cras tibi). This famous saying can often be seen sculpted or painted at the entrances of many cemeteries in Europe. It is a rather stark and macabre reminder that earthly life, as long as it can be, will eventually experience its transforming moment. The point of convergence of all life’s experiences – good, bad, and indifferent – will come together awaiting our call to timelessness; death calls and eternity awaits. It is not the end of everything, as too many people feel and believe. It is the moment of the ultimate transformation of who we are into who we were created to be.

We celebrate November, the month dedicated to the Holy Souls in Purgatory. They await transformation by God’s love and mercy. The Church asks us to pray for those who have gone before us into eternity and who still await the fullness of Life. The Church also reminds us that we ought to pray for ourselves who, still on journey, are subject to many challenges that can either threaten or strengthen our resolve to be faithful to the Gospel and live in the light of Eternal Life. The journey of life that is so wonderful because of the many challenges God offers us to grow in His love, is also very dangerous because of the many allurements and seductions that can entice us to deviate from the path marked out for us. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. (cfr. John 14:16) If we follow His Way, listen to His Word of Truth, we can expect ultimately to share in the fullness of His Life. He Himself says: I came that they may have Life and have it in abundance. (John 10: 10) » Click to continue reading “Fr. Francis’ Greetings – November, 2014” »

Fr. Francis' Greetings - October 2014

October 2014


Dear Brothers and Sisters in St. Francis,

The Lord give you his peace!

The children of St. Francis of Assisi have always regarded Mary, the Mother of the Savior and Mother of God, as our Mother and Heavenly Queen. Her role in the History of our Salvation leaves no room to doubt why we Franciscans would consider her in such an exceptional and eminent way. In the spirit and filial love of our Seraphic Father for Mary we, his children, place our trust in Her prayers and almighty intercession before God as Mother of His Son and Spouse of the Holy Spirit.

The month of October is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary of our Blessed Mother and also Respect for Human Life at all stages from conception to natural death. This is a yearly reminder and daily celebration of life throughout the whole the month. We celebrate Christ’s human life and the life of each one of us and of those who are yet to be. As the Church, God’s Family, we are asked to reflect upon human life as the God-given gift it is, and to accept the imperative for all human beings to value each life as a reflection of the One Who called that life into being and was not ashamed to celebrate it with us by becoming one of His own creation. » Click to continue reading “Fr. Francis’ Greetings – October 2014” »

Fr. Francis' Greetings - September, 2014

Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis,Bartolome-Esteban-Murillo-Saint-Francis-of-Assisi-Receiving-the-Stigmata[1]

The Lord give you his peace!

The world seems inundated with tragedies of all kinds. The Middle East and Africa are plagued by severe persecutions against Christians primarily but also other minority religious groups. Refugees in the Middle East, Africa, as well as at the border of the United States and Mexico arouse multi-national concern for their safety and well-being. Natural disasters are occurring more frequently around the world displacing or killing thousands of people. These occurrences are only a few signs of the sadness and suffering happening around our world. The cross of trials and suffering is not foreign to anyone. Trial and suffering was the culmination of the life of the One we call Lord and Savior. His years of silence and short-lived ministry, were all in preparation for the reason for His Incarnation. The Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ is the throne of fulfillment where Jesus spoke His most eloquent sermon and fulfilled the Will of the Father. It is from the Cross that we were “washed in His Blood” (Revelation 1:5) and made “coheirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17) to the fullness of Life with the Father through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In the Name of Jesus, the Cross becomes a sign of hope not despair, of love not hatred, of life not death. How can we accept the “cross” experiences of life – sickness, persecutions, violence, death, uncertainties, and more – the “suffering moments” of life – as beneficial, though not necessarily desired, when they come our way? » Click to continue reading “Fr. Francis’ Greetings – September, 2014” »

Fr. Francis’ Greetings – August 2014

St. Katherine Drexel Regional Fraternity

Regional Spiritual Assistant

St. Francis of Assisi Friary

1901 Prior Road

Wilmington, Delaware 19809 

tel: (302) 798-1454     fax: (302) 798-3360

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August, 2014

 Dear Sisters and Brothers in Sts. Francis and Clare,

The Lord give you his peace!

Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: ‘Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy (Leviticus 19:2). Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5:48). The “vocation” to holiness and “perfection” is a call directly from God. Life is a sign of God’s love for and trust in us, and his confident view for the future we are created to build. The world, this “Theater of Redemption” as Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen entitled it, is the place that prepares us for the fulness of Life with God. He knew us before we existed and God has a part for us to fulfill in the Divine Plan for creation. We are “destined” for greatness in God’s time, a “destiny” however that we can refuse with the gift of our free will. We are “called” to be and act in God’s Name; this is our “vocation”. After our assent to God’s invitation, we are “commissioned” to fulfill some specific purpose in our individual life for the glory of God and good of others as well as ourselves. Is this not the essence of holiness: to live unconditionally and totally in the will of God? Each “yes” we offer to what we believe to be God’s will, is a step further in holiness and perfection.

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Fr. Francis’ Greeting – July 2014

Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis,

The Lord grant you his peace!

We continue this month, dedicated to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, with our consideration of the Eucharist. We can note in the two passages taken one from our Seraphic Father and the other from one of his sons, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, love for the Eucharist not only expects a certain composure but also promises definite effects on ourselves and others. We can speak about “charism” and “spirituality” and fulfillment of basic requisites to belong to the Franciscan Order, but if Jesus is not in our hearts, if He is not the Center of our Life, nothing really matters.  And, this “real presence” in our life will undoubtedly affect our lives visibly.  » Click to continue reading “Fr. Francis’ Greeting – July 2014” »