Posted By Kate Kleinert, on January 7th, 2016 Peace and Mercy as the new year opens before us! So many events have been remembered in the liturgies of the last few weeks. Mary goes to visit her kinswoman, Elizabeth, whose unborn babe recognizes the Saviour that Mary is carrying. Jesus is born and in the Gospel two days later is 12 years old and teaching in the temple. Today, the wise men have arrived. Simeon and Anna will soon recognize the child when He is presented at the temple. So many stories, so many characters playing the parts that God has written for them. No one is excused.
This particular cast of characters takes in the two unborn players….John the Baptist and Jesus, Mary, the teenager, Elizabeth who is middle aged and pregnant, and Simeon and Anna who are elderly. All of them have said Yes and did what was theirs to do. Not one of them said, I am too young, I am too inexperienced, I am too busy, I don’t feel well, I’m too old….let someone else do it.
God wrote the script of their lives and they all said Yes. Our Regional Elections are scheduled for March 19 – the feast of St. Joseph. Although Joseph wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do when his beloved Mary became pregnant, once God made it clear to him, he also said Yes. Have you asked God if he wants you in a role that might shake you out of your comfy chair? Is there work with your name on it that you turn a blind eye to? No one is excused.
We all said Yes on our days of Profession. This is what I want. This is what I agreed to. If God is tapping you on the shoulder, are you standing up or looking the other way? No one is excused.
Posted By Teresa Redder, on December 6th, 2015 My dear Brothers and Sisters, peace to your hearts!
There is much to do in December. We have been celebrating Christmas since we were born. We all know what it takes, how much we have planned, how much we can actually do. We can only hope as Franciscans that we manage to pare down the list a little more each year and take a step closer to the manger.
This December is also very special because it kicks off the Extraordinary Year of Mercy. It will be a huge opportunity to not only gain mercy but to live it. Can we get out of our own way to allow God to work through us to bestow mercy on someone else?
The Corporal Works of Mercy can give us a great stepping off point. We know them; but we ask God “When did I see you thirsty?” etc. More often than you think! Perhaps turning out of our comfort zone – or doing what we always do – will give us a new way to look at them.
Feed the Hungary
Very straightforward. Donate food to a local shelter, volunteer at a soup kitchen. How about…..not wasting the food we are eating? Don’t throw leftovers out, pack them for lunch. Don’t like leftovers? Make a plate up for a sick or elderly neighbor,
Give Drink to the Thirsty
This is a tough one. We don’t see many thirsty people every day. Again….how about not wasting it? A little awareness now can hold off the day when we are out of water. My grandmother taught me after you boil an egg, let the water cool down and water the house plants.
Clothe the Naked
Typically a no-brainer. There are plenty of Good Will stores and Salvation Army places around. Did you know both Purple Heart and American Family will pick up your donations at your front door? How about…. looking through your clothes and possessions with a Franciscan eye and ask yourself….when did I last use this and could someone else be blessed by having it?
Shelter the Homeless
This one must be very close to Jesus’ heart since there was ‘no place to lay his head’. Have your fraternity get involved in the Blessing Bag project that will culminate at the “Q” in June. Have you ever contacted Habitat for Humanity to see if you have some skill to offer them? If Jimmy Carter can still do it at the age of 90 while suffering from brain cancer…….
Visit those in Prison
The definition of ‘visit’ is not limited to physically going to see someone. It is very easy to visit through a card or letter. Mary Mother of Captives runs a pen pal program where the prisoner does not have your real last name or address. When I sent a birthday card to my pen pal on death row, I got a gut wrenching letter back. It was the first birthday card he had ever received….in his entire life.
Comfort the Sick
Do you give much thought to those who are sick at heart? Very often you don’t need to look outside your own family. Caregivers are a vastly overlooked group in desperate need of just a little kindness.
Bury the Dead
Yes, there is more than one way to look at this one. Mark your calendar or keep a record of when people pass – your neighbor’s spouse; your co-worker’s child. On the one year anniversary, send a “I’m Thinking of You” card or have a Mass said. For that person, it will feel like a hug directly from God.
And lastly, let us pray for one another as we journey through this Extraordinary Year of Mercy that we not only receive God’s mercy, but allow ourselves to extend His mercy to others.
Posted By Teresa Redder, on November 1st, 2015 My dear brothers and sisters, it is November….already! It is a month of earlier darkness, chillier weather, and holidays breathing down our necks. But it is also a month of remembering – all saints, all souls, all our loved ones who have gone to God. If you have recently lost a loved one, these days can be difficult.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 states: For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. For those who have gone before us, their season has come to an end. They are reaping the harvest of their lives in the Kingdom of God.
Our seasons continue – not one day shorter or longer than God intended. What has God planned for our season? Sometimes it is so clear and other times….not so much. Some of us think we have our entire season figured out. (ah….that would be me) When my husband passed, I felt like my season had come to an end, too. It was logical…to me. And being hardheaded, it took quite some time to figure out that it wasn’t over; and even longer to be able to move forward without feeling guilty. God clearly has a plan for the second act of my season. But it wasn’t until I was willing to move towards it, that it began to be clearer and not so frightening.
All of us made room for a servant leadership role on the day of our Profession. “Yes, Lord, this is what I want.” Our Regional Chapter of Elections will be held on March 19, 2016. Now is the time to ask God to allow you hear His call, either for you to step up or to nominate someone. Our Sister, Lois Pestritto, OFS, has sent out the nomination instructions with the ‘job descriptions’ for each position. If there are brothers and/or sisters in your fraternity who do not have access to a computer or who may need help sending a reply to Lois, please reach out. It is the work of a true servant!
And during this month of honoring those who have passed into eternal life, let us pray for each other’s loved ones. It’s what family does!
Posted By Teresa Redder, on September 5th, 2015 Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis,
PEACE to each of your hearts!
In the courthouse where I work, as in many office buildings, there is one special room where everyone congregates … the snack bar! This is the place where you can find everything that health care professionals tell you isn’t at all good for you but which, in times of stress, provides the most comfort. That’s not to say that healthy choices aren’t available, but when given the choice between chocolate cupcakes or trail mix, the chocolate cupcakes win 95% of the time! What makes this place so special isn’t all of the snacks that are available, but the tiny woman who serves the owner of the store. Her name is Marie. She’s an Irish South Philly gal from Epiphany Parish. She’s a retired parish secretary and has held countless jobs in her lifetime. She’s raised a family; her children are adults and living their lives, but Mom’s house is still the place to be on any given Sunday.
Each of us has a place in God’s scheme of things, and Marie’s place, at this period of her life, is with us at the courthouse, because she brings Jesus there. Her workspace is small; her duties are many. She knows what each of her customers like and makes sure that those items are always available. Philly soft pretzels and low-fat chocolate milk are staples for many (me included) and Marie insures there’s a steady supply. But of all the things Marie does, the one thing she does best is LOVE. When you walk into her small domain, her love is as palpable as the cool air flowing from the refrigerator when the door is opened or the welcome smell of coffee coming from the ever-filled pots. A cheery hello is always at the ready and a listening … truly listening … ear awaits each person who walks through her door.
Through her door pass angry prospective jurors, frightened defendants and their families, anxious lawyers, and young and not-so-young employees. Marie takes the “red flannel underwear principle” seriously. Each person she meets is treated with respect, cheerfulness and dignity. She has a special place in her heart for the young … who flock to her like birds to a feeder full of seed. Marie’s little room is truly a “no judgment zone.” You may walk in feeling awful, but you leave with a lighter heart because you have been touched in some small way by unconditional love. A smile or a single word of encouragement can go a long way in the middle of a tough day … Marie provides just that each and every day.
I thought of Marie as I as watching Pope Francis and the People aired by the ABC Network. The compassion, love and encouragement shown by our Holy Father throughout that program mirrors for us the love and compassion of our beloved, Jesus, who yearns for us and begs us to allow Him to walk more closely with us each day of our lives. Let us pray, that we, who profess to live the Gospel life, may be true mirrors of the love of Jesus to others and, in a sense, become “no judgment zones” so as to draw others to the heart of Jesus who is love and forgiveness itself.
Blessings, every good, and much love,
Posted By Teresa Redder, on June 1st, 2015 
June, 2015
Peace to each of your hearts!
On this rainy, damp and somewhat chilly first day of June, it’s a little difficult to take the leap into summer, but the humidity outside reminds that summer is nipping at our heels and ready to provide us with time to rest, relax, and recreate. Hopefully, your schedule will give you an opportunity to enjoy some R&R in the weeks ahead.
Indulge in a little minute meditation and imagine yourself at the beach, listening to the sea crashing against the shore, the constant squawking and screeching of seagulls, the laughter of children around you, the sound of play, the exuberant “Yippee” of a fisherman who has caught his first fish … breathe in the fresh salty air, feel the sand beneath your toes and the soft sea breeze as it brushes across your face. No newspapers, no IPads, no tech gadgets, no cellphones to distract you, just the sea, the sand, the sights, the sounds and you … unplugged and untethered … ah, bliss and unadulterated joy! Now that you’re relaxed, consider these thoughts of our Holy Father, Pope Francis who, in his Apostolic Letter regarding the Year of Consecrated Life, has said,
We are called to know and show that God is able to fill our hearts to the brim with happiness; that we need not seek our happiness elsewhere; that the authentic fraternity found in our communities increases our joy; and that our total self-giving in service to the Church, to families and young people, to the elderly and the poor, brings us life-long personal fulfilment.
None of us should be dour, discontented and dissatisfied, for “a gloomy disciple is a disciple of gloom”. Like everyone else, we have our troubles, our dark nights of the soul, our disappointments and infirmities, our experience of slowing down as we grow older. But in all these things we should be able to discover “perfect joy”. For it is here that we learn to recognize the face of Christ, who became like us in all things, and to rejoice in the knowledge that we are being conformed to him who, out of love of us, did not refuse the sufferings of the cross.
It’s hard to be dour, discontented and dissatisfied while sitting on the beach (or up in the mountains, if you prefer)! Even if life’s circumstances won’t allow for you to travel, you can go to this place of comfort anytime in your mind’s eye, and allow the Lord to fill your heart to the brim with happiness. He has so much in store for you and asks no more of you than that you rest, relax and trust in Him.
Peace, all good, and much love,
Posted By Teresa Redder, on May 2nd, 2015 ![mm6[1]](http://www.skdregion.org/wp-content/uploads/mm61-150x150.jpg)
Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis,
PEACE to each of your hearts!
(St. Francis) was called by the Lord to a unique grace of friendship. Through his prayers he found the Rule of the Lesser Brothers, and when he lost it he returned to the mountain (as Moses had done with the Tablets of the Law) where he had found it and prayed again … there … by divine revelation and through the power of prayer, he found the lost rule. And it was confirmed for him.
Fr. Francis Sariego, OFM Cap, one of our dear Regional Spiritual Assistants, shared this wisdom with us two years ago. As we reflected on this wisdom together, we hoped that we could return to the mountain where we first embraced our Rule and the gift and commitment that was … and is … our Profession and, in so doing, remind ourselves of what it meant to truly be brother and sister to one another.
We are gratified by the response we are receiving to our upcoming Regional Retreat at the end of this month and we hope it will be a time when each of us can rest, relax and reflect on our call as Secular Franciscans and our individual and collective response to that call.
During this month set aside for particular devotion to Our Blessed Mother, let us pray to Her for inspiration and guidance. We look forward to being with you in Easton.
Two of our Regional Fraternities will be celebrating significant anniversaries this year: Holy Cross (100 Years of Canonical Establishment) and Queen of the Universe (50 Years of Canonical Establishment)! We thank God for the GIFT of these Fraternities and for the faithfulness of each of our sisters and brothers to their Secular Franciscan vocation.
In October, 2015, our National Fraternity Council will be electing new Councillors to the National Executive Council. We ask you please to hold this Chapter in your prayers.
Although we didn’t enjoy a snowy winter in 2015, we did have some nasty weather which caused disruption to local fraternity as well as regional calendars. The “upcoming events” section of our Regional Website has been updated to reflect the changes which needed to be made.
Blessings, every good, and much love,
Posted By Teresa Redder, on April 5th, 2015 
PEACE to each of your hearts as we celebrate the SOLEMNITY of our Risen Lord!
In a homily delivered on March 17, 2013, our Holy Father, Pope Francis said,
I think we too are the people who, on the one hand, want to listen to Jesus, but on the other hand, at times, like to find a stick to beat others with, to condemn others. And Jesus has this message for us: mercy. I think — and I say it with humility — that this is the Lord’s most powerful message: mercy.
In February of this year, Pope Francis declared a Holy Year of Mercy beginning on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, 2015, and culminating on the Feast of Christ the King, 2016, by saying,
Dear brothers and sisters, I have often thought about how the Church might make clear its mission of being a witness to mercy. It is journey that begins with a spiritual conversion. For this reason, I have decided to call an extraordinary Jubilee that is to have the mercy of God at its center. It shall be a Holy Year of Mercy. We want to live this Year in the light of the Lord’s words: “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. (cf. Lk 6:36)”
This Holy Year will begin on this coming Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and will end on November 20, 2016, the Sunday dedicated to Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe – and living face of the Father’s mercy. I entrust the organization of this Jubilee to the Pontifical Council for Promotion of the New Evangelization, that [the dicastery] might animate it as a new stage in the journey of the Church on its mission to bring to every person the Gospel of mercy.
I am convinced that the whole Church will find in this Jubilee the joy needed to rediscover and make fruitful the mercy of God, with which all of us are called to give consolation to every man and woman of our time. From this moment, we entrust this Holy Year to the Mother of Mercy, that she might turn her gaze upon us and watch over our journey.
If, as our dear Bro. Larry often urges, we are meditating on an article of our Rule each day, Article 5 (corresponding with Easter Sunday this year) tells us,
Secular Franciscans, therefore, should seek to encounter the living and active person of Christ in their brothers and sisters …
Sometimes being merciful isn’t easy. It requires a shift within ourselves that can be difficult to make but, if we can allow ourselves to enter into the adventure of grace, we can, as our Holy Father says, become witnesses to mercy and live in the light of the Lord’s words: Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
Blessings, every good, and much love,
Posted By Teresa Redder, on January 1st, 2015 Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis,
PEACE to each of your hearts!
The end of an old year and the beginning of a new one finds me rummaging. Trying to clear out the clutter to begin … at least in spirit … to be organized. This, of course, is not a resolution; I gave up on those a long time ago. It is, however, an attempt, however feeble, to get my house in order which, after this past year, is no small feat!
Resolutions, as admirable and well-intentioned as they may be, have a tendency to be very selfish things. I resolve to begin to exercise. I resolve to lose weight. I resolve to get organized. The resolutions can be endless but, possibly because they involve changes of habit, are short-lived. » Click to continue reading “From the Heart of our Minister – January, 2015” »
Posted By Teresa Redder, on December 1st, 2014 
Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis,
PEACE to each of your hearts!
The season of the sleeping seed seems to be in turmoil since the temperatures expected for this time of year are not what they should be – one day it’s warm, the next it’s cold, the next it’s tepid, the next it’s frigid – what’s a ground … or a weeping willow … supposed to do?!
I guess there are many theories in response to this question – far more sophisticated than I can come up with – but I would say that, like Mary, the ground is just expected to be available. Available as in being open to God and His will as opposed to our own. Sounds like a lofty aspiration, until we consider that all we really need do is be available to God by being available to one another.
There are those of us who this past year have endured unbearable sorrow. Likewise, there are those among us who have enjoyed indescribable blessing and outrageous joy – such is the way of our God! In each instance we have, hopefully, been available to one another to share in those joys and enter into those sorrows because we are family.
Our Holy Father, St. Francis, reminded us, through his desire to recreate the scene of the Incarnation at Greccio, that we are ONE in our Lord. The question for each of us to consider throughout this season of anticipation is, what can we, as sisters and brothers to one another, do to rekindle the spark of the Spirit’s fire and enthusiasm within each of us and within our Fraternities so that we may open our hearts to hearing, healthing and healing one another so that together, as family, we can journey into the new year with open minds and open hearts to the direction of Him who has called us? May the Spirit of the living God grant us the grace to be available as Mary was so that we may respond to His call to rekindle the fire within us not only individually but fraternally, thereby doing what is ours to do in this time and in this place.
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How wonderful it was to gather at St. Anthony’s parish hall for our Annual Meeting last month and how grateful and thankful are we to our sisters and brothers of Spirit of St. Francis Fraternity or their gracious and generous hospitality! We are likewise grateful to our sisters Kathy Agosto, OFS, Kate Kleinert, OFS, Stephanie Wiecer, OFS, and our brother and technowizard, Lee Potts, OFS, for their outstanding presentations.
We are very much looking forward to hearing from each of you regarding how you will be able to participate with our Regional effort at the World Meeting of Families in 2015. Our sister, Kate Kleinert, OFS, is eager to set up a committee to assist with our regional participation and fundraising has already begun. Look for further information on our regional website, www.skdregion.org.
Please continue to hold us in prayer and know that we do likewise. If there is anything we can do for you, please do not hesitate to let us know. We are here to serve you.
Peace, Advent blessings, and much love,
Posted By Teresa Redder, on November 1st, 2014 MOST HIGH, GLORIOUS GOOD GOD
My dear sisters and brothers in Sts. Francis,
May God give to each of you peace of mind, heart, soul and spirit!
Of all of the prayers attributed to our Holy Father St. Francis, the one quoted above may be the most perfect of all because it provides us with a blueprint for a perfect life. This prayer is a prayer for TRANSFORMATION. Unfortunately, in its various translations, the request for profound humility has been omitted.
As Secular Franciscans, we have been all about FORMATION through the texts we have used and the manuals we have written. Good as these resources are, if we are not about transformation, then all of the texts and all of the manuals are useless to us.
Let us be about the business of renewing our hearts and healing broken relationships. Let us live our faith in certain hope and accept in profound humility that we are each embraced by a loving God and are called to embrace him back. Let us pray for that perfect charity which will help us, with the insight and wisdom received from our Glorious Good God, to discern his holy and true will and be faithful servants of God and one another.
Our Annual Regional Gathering will be held on November 15th at St. Anthony’s Parish Hall in Trenton, NJ. We are very much looking forward to gathering with the Ministers and Formation Directors of our Region … and anyone else who would like to join us. All are MOST WELCOME!
Please don’t forget to consult the upcoming events section of our website, where dates of interest to your Fraternities are noted.
Know that we hold you in prayer and beg you to do likewise for us. If you have any thoughts or ideas you would like to share for the good of our Region, please let me, or any other member of our Council know. We are here to serve you!
Blessings, every good, and much love,