From the Heart of Your Minister - September, 2014

Peace to each of your hearts, dear sisters and brothers in St. Francis!

And so we here we are … at that interim season of summerfall … when summer is not quite over and autumn is at our doorstep. Fr. Francis and our RFD, Rosie Viragh, OFS, have provided us with lots to think about as we approach the upcoming Franciscan season. I hope you will share what they have written with our sisters and brothers in fraternity.

In his letter this month, Fr. Francis reminds us that,

God’s Word and healing grace are made more apparent and effective when we walk together supporting, encouraging, and nourishing each other through our loving example and care, rooted in Faith and Hope with our eyes fixed on the Cross of Jesus our Victorious Redeemer. (Emphasis added)

How do we do this walking together, encouraging and supporting and nourishing each other? Is this something we really believe with our hearts and through our actions or something we only give lip service to? » Click to continue reading “From the Heart of Your Minister – September, 2014” »

From the Heart of Our Minister - August, 2014

Our Lady of the AngelsPEACE to each of your hearts dear brothers and sisters on this Feast of Our Lady of the Angels of the Portiuncula!

We are tickled beyond pink to welcome you to our new Regional Website. Last year, we were approached by three computer-savvy brothers, Ted Bienkowski, OFS, Evan Ortiz, OFS, and Lee Potts, OFS, who gently explained to us that it was time to bring our Region into the 21st century. Now, through the efforts of our webmaster extraordinaire, Lee Potts, OFS, we are on our way!   Soon, there’ll be an “app” for that, for those so inclined.

Lee has worked diligently and tirelessly to create this new site and continues to work to transfer the information from our former site to this one. In addition to his work in the world, supporting and caring for his family, serving as Formation Director for his Fraternity, and the myriad of other things in which he is involved, Lee has graciously agreed (and we are most grateful that he has) to serve as our web administrator. While Lee subscribes to the “do good and disappear” principle, we wanted to let you know exactly who was responsible for this wonderful “upgrade” of our Regional website and thank him publically for sharing with us his time and his talents. We are MOST grateful.

Those of you who are Facebook, Twitter and Tumbler friendly will note icons on the site that invite you to share information with others who are connected to the same forms of social media. We hope these additions to our site will open up lines of communication with many others … including, and especially, youth! We place this site under the protection of Our Lady of the Angels and ask her intercession as we move forward.

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You’ve got to be taught

To hate and fear,

You’ve got to be taught

From year to year,

It’s got to be drummed

In your dear little ear

You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught to be afraid

Of people whose eyes are oddly made,

And people whose skin is a diff’rent shade,

You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late,

Before you are six or seven or eight,

To hate all the people your relatives hate,

You’ve got to be carefully taught!

» Click to continue reading “From the Heart of Our Minister – August, 2014” »

From the Heart of Our Minister – July 2014

Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis,

doorways_assisiPeace to each of your hearts as we begin in earnest our journey through Summer! I hope each of you is able to steal some time away for some rest and relaxation!

Scenario … picture this. You’re out on a leisurely summer’s day. It’s hot, so you decide to take yourself to a nice, air-conditioned book store to just browse! All of a sudden, you’re back to your car with bags full of books which you fully intend to read … someday. You don’t know exactly why you bought them, but something tells you there’s a reason which will one day be revealed. I have a friend who is very much like this, and her bookshelves show it. I’m afraid, much to my chagrin, I’ve picked up the habit too, although my shelves are paltry in comparison to hers. Fortunately for my wallet, the bookstore is no longer in the area (although on-line purchases are always available). » Click to continue reading “From the Heart of Our Minister – July 2014” »