Posted By Kate Kleinert, on December 28th, 2022 We have been contacted by Chloe Pedersen, a youth services librarian and educator. The group has been using the information on our JPIC area of our website to study how to be kinder to our earth. In return, one of the members of the group, a young woman named Amelia, came across this article on shopping green. She and her father are ‘paying it forward’ and sharing the article with us. The original article can be found at www.jomashop.com There are some good tips on shopping green so invest the 5 minutes to read the article and learn something new! Thanks Chloe, Amelia and Dad!!
What does shopping have to do with the environment? A lot, actually! When people shop, the choices that they make have a profound effect on the world around them. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the energy used to produce, transport, process, and even dispose of the things that people purchase makes up approximately 42 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Much of what people buy also ends up as trash. EPA statistics show that as much as 10 million tons of clothing end up in landfills annually. To help protect the environment, people have to make intelligent and thoughtful decisions about what they buy and how they go about shopping.
Buying Green
When a person buys green, they are thinking about how their purchases will affect the environment. This means making the choice to buy things that won’t lead to additional waste and are energy efficient. People should also consider things like materials and the amount of energy that goes into the actual manufacturing of things that they intend to buy. Green choices can be made about almost anything that one buys, even cars.
There are some companies or manufacturers that will make claims about what makes them eco-friendly. These claims must be truthful under the law. It’s important, however, that people understand exactly what these claims mean. A product, for example, may have a “Made with Recycled Content” label on its packaging. One shouldn’t assume that this is referring to the product itself, as it could mean that either the packaging is made of recycled materials or both the packaging and the product are. The key when reading any claim is to read the label carefully for clarification.
Sustainable shopping is shopping for goods that are made and distributed in a way that will not harm the environment or deplete natural resources. By buying sustainably, people are meeting their needs while ensuring future generations will be able to meet theirs.
When shopping, consider buying second-hand goods before purchasing something that’s new. Previously owned items can be almost anything, from clothing to gaming consoles and more. They can be found at thrift stores, garage sales, and online resale sites. By buying things that are second-hand, people can help save resources, prevent waste, and reduce carbon emissions. If buying new, try shopping at stores that sell things that have slight imperfections or defects, like fruit that’s irregular in shape.
Choosing things that are organic or made using sustainable materials is also important. When buying clothes, for example, look for items that are made from renewable natural fibers, such as cotton, bamboo, wool, or flax. Avoid clothing made of synthetic fabrics like spandex, nylon, and polyester as they are made using fossil fuels, which are nonrenewable.
Buying Local
Buying local does more than put money back into the community. It’s a great way to reduce the carbon footprint of food and other goods. Normally, food travels from the farm to packing houses to grocery stores. The number of miles that food travels is called food miles. It causes a significant amount of greenhouse gases that pollute the air and contributes to global warming. These foods also use up energy in other ways, such as refrigeration.
By buying from local farms and markets, people are skipping the middleman and vastly reducing food miles. Because they travel less, there is also less bruising or spoilage. Locally grown food also uses less packaging than shipped foods. Less plastic packaging means less discarded plastic ends up in landfills or the ocean waters.
Food isn’t the only thing that one can buy locally. Buying any item that’s made and sold in one’s city, town, or neighborhood will help reduce fuel consumption and waste in much the same way as food. Goods that are made locally often use locally sourced materials and don’t need to travel as far to get to the consumer. Because they don’t require extra packaging for shipping, there is also less waste.
Reducing and Reusing
A large part of being a responsible and sustainable shopper is knowing how to shop less. When a person shops less, they are ultimately reducing the amount of waste that they create and aren’t contributing to the depletion of natural resources. They make thoughtful decisions about what they buy, only buy what they need, and make less frequent shopping trips.
Reducing goes hand in hand with reusing. Often, one can easily reduce the amount of shopping that they do by reusing what they already own. For example, a person might reuse their umbrella instead of buying a new one. A single purchase, like buying a reusable water bottle, can also be a form of reducing and reusing. Besides buying quality goods that are reusable, one should also buy things that serve multiple purposes.
There are some items that a person can reuse, but in a way that differs from their original purpose. This is called repurposing. Sometimes thinking outside of the box and repurposing something that’s old can be an alternative to buying something that’s new.
Even if one can’t reuse or repurpose an item themselves, they can donate or give it away to someone who can. By reducing and reusing, people help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save energy, and create less waste.
Fair Trade
Fair Trade ensures that farmers and laborers from developing countries receive fair trade terms and that products are being produced under ethical conditions. They must provide safe working conditions, opportunities for disadvantaged people, gender equality, and fair wages. Fair Trade is also good for the environment as it requires the use of sustainable processes.
There are several third-party certifications that farmers and producers can apply for from organizations such as Fair Trade USA and Fairtrade America. These organizations have standards, including environmental guidelines, that farmers and producers must meet in order to become certified as Fair Trade.
When buying Fair Trade, it’s important to look for certification labels or symbols. When shopping online, a Fair Trade company should have an easy-to-locate certification label on their website, while goods sold in stores should have symbols that are displayed on the product itself. These labels show that items meet the environmental criteria set by the specific certifying organization. To know what these criteria are, people should research the standards set by the specific organization that the label or mark is from.
Posted By Kate Kleinert, on May 22nd, 2022 Saint Katharine Drexel Region
Secular Franciscan Order (USA)
Justice, Peace, & the Integrity of Creation
May 2022
“A synodal Church, in announcing the Gospel, ‘journeys together.’ How is this ‘journeying together’ happening today in your local Church? What steps does the Spirit invite us to take in order to grow in our ‘journeying together’?(Preparatory Document for the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, 7 September 2021)
For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission
Jeffrey C. Redder, OFS
23 Shelter Rock Rd.
Eastampton, NJ 08060
jcredder@gmail.com 609-267-1460 (H)
609-667-3443 (M)
JPIC Reflection
As Catholics, Secular Franciscans should have great hope that we might soon see the overturning of the unjust Roe v. Wade decision, which legalized the right to abortion and denied the right to life to the unborn. It behooves us to pay attention to what may happen at the state level as federal guidelines change so that we continue to advocate for the dignity of human life (a fundamental Catholic social teaching) in the states where
we live and closely follow state legislative actions that are inconsistent with the teachings of our faith.
This year, the Catholic social lobby group Network marks its 50th anniversary. Founded by religious sisters, this agency has worked tirelessly to advocate for the poor, the homeless, immigrants and refugees, and the marginalized. Their most recent newsletter celebrates the many accomplishments of this Catholic lobby group over five decades and continues to put in the forefront the key issues that impact the dignity of human life in our country.
In August, the National Fraternity of OFS-USA will have a Quinquennial Congress in Phoenix, AZ, that celebrates our 100th anniversary as a national fraternity. As part of the congress, Secular Franciscans have
been asked to bring along fleece fabric and scissors to make hand-tied blankets for youth and the elderly in shelters and at the border. If you are not planning to attend the “Q,” your fraternity may desire to make a
donation toward the costs of materials.
Over the last year, the National JPIC has been working on immigration issues and assistance to people who are being held in facilities at the border. Donna Hollis, OFS, the recipient of the 2021 JPIC Award, provides
regular updates to the regional animators. The need for immigration reform has existed for more than three decades, but we have made little or no progress as a country to address the moral issues.
Finally, I would like to share information about the Poor Peoples’ Campaign Moral March in Washington, DC, on June 18th. Franciscan Action Network has signed up as a mobilizing partner and is inviting anyone who would like to participate to gather at 9 AM at St. Patrick’s Church on 10th St. NW. On May 5th, FAN co-sponsored an informational webinar with Pax Christ USA, the Sisters of Mercy, and the Leadership Conference of Women Religious to provide information about
the march. The webinar is available to view on the FAN website.
Let us continue to pray fervently for a peaceful resolution of the war in
Ukraine and for all those throughout the world who have been displaced by conflict and violence!
May 20, 2022 (Feast of St. Bernardine of Siena)
National JPIC Monthly Reflections on the Beatitudes Patricia Grace, a Secular Franciscan from southern California and a member of the National JPIC, started hosting monthly Zoom sessions on the spirit of the Beatitudes, which are so integral to the Secular Franciscan
Rule. The third session (Blessed are the meek) will be held on Saturday, May 21st, at 1:00 PM EDT. After the previous two sessions, Patricia published notes for those who could not be there. If anyone is interested in participating, please contact me.
Laudato Si’ Week (May 22-29)
Marking the seventh anniversary of the encyclical, Laudato Si’ Week will feature global, regional, and local events tied to one of the seven Laudato Si’ goals. On the day celebrating ecological education, footage from The Invitation, a new feature-length documentary film on Laudato Si’, will be shown to the general public for the first time ever during a live-streaming event. The Invitation will have its global release later this year. The event begins at 8:00 AM EDT (14.00 CEST) on May 27 (Friday). Registration is required at this link. It will be facilitated by Deborah Castellano Lubov, analyst for NBC News and MSNBC, contributor to EWTN, Salt & Light TV, and others, and correspondent for Vatican News.
World Meeting of Families (June 22-26, Rome, Italy and in local dioceses)
Before the decision to focus on JPIC, the OFS national fraternity had a separate apostolic commission for FAMILY. As Secular Franciscans, this vocation is especially meaningful to our life in society. While it is easy to argue that JPIC covers areas that have impact on families, the focus gets dwarfed by the graver issues of human trafficking, immigration, racism, war, violence, poverty, homelessness, etc. The XXX World Meeting of Families (WMF) has the theme “Family Love: A Vocation and a Path to Holiness.” In honor of the WMF event, Pope Francis invited families
this year to write and participate in the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross) in Rome on Good Friday. Please take the time to read the reflections that were given at each station (PDF file at this URL):
For the 13th Station (Jesus dies on the cross), a Ukrainian and a Russian
woman held the cross together during the silent reflection.
On the Franciscan Action Network (FAN) website, there
is this definition of Franciscan Justice Circles:
“…local grassroots communities, inspired by the Franciscan
charism, that unite to advocate for social and environmental
justice. They are independent, ongoing, volunteer-led groups empowered to engage the issues in their communities that are important to them through advocacy and action. Supported by the Franciscan Action Network (FAN) and the national network of Franciscan Justice Circles, these groups explore more deeply the social justice path of the Two Feet of Love in Action, and engage important local issues, challenging policies that perpetuate injustice and advancing policies of peace, justice, and care for creation.” I am happy to report to the region that my wife Teresa and I co-facilitate the Delaware Valley Franciscan Justice Circle, which meets by Zoom on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 PM. Currently, we have about 12 members from PA, DE, and NJ, including five Franciscan sisters from the Aston community, as well as four Secular Franciscans. In our monthly gatherings, we have celebrated the Day of Prayer for Human Trafficking (March) Ukrainian nurse Iryna and Russian nursing student Albina, who are friends, hold a cross at the 13th station as Pope Francis leads the Way of the Cross outside the Colosseum in Rome April
15, 2022. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) May 20, 2022 (Feast of St. Bernardine of Siena)
and devoted April and May to integral ecology in the spirit of Earth Day and Laudato Si’ Week. If you have questions or would like more information, please call or e-mail me. I also participate in FAN’s monthly
National FJC Zoom call where other circles share their experiences and build common energy for the common good. Justice, Peace, and Human Development-US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
Fraternities can benefit from the resources to be found on the USCCB’s website for the Department of Justice, Peace, and Human Development, which promotes awareness of Catholic social teaching and opportunities
to live the Baptismal call to love God and neighbor. Efforts include the anti-poverty mission of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, as well as advocacy in support of poor and vulnerable persons and
communities, in the U.S. and abroad. A valuable link from this department contains excellent videos (approximately 3-4 minutes long), introduced by respected US episcopal leaders such as Franciscan Cardinal
Sean O’Malley and Bishop Robert Barron, along with study guides in both English or Spanish (2-page handout) to appreciate the Church’s Catholic Social Teaching:
https://www.usccb.org/offices/justice-peace-human-development/catholic-social-teaching This type of personal and fraternal reflection can benefit the types of apostolates in which fraternities choose to engage. Koinonia 2022.1 (The Journey of the Secular Franciscans in the Synodal Church) In CIOFS’ first quarterly edition of the International Spiritual Assistants’ newsletter Koinonia, Br. Carlos Ginés
C. Julve, TOR, gives a thoughtful reflection titled “Communion: A Challenge of the Gospel Life of the OFS” in which he explores our deep Franciscan roots in the Church’s understanding of the word communion. In his direction to Secular Franciscans for the Third Millennium, he challenges us not only to a heartfelt encounter with Christ in prayer, but also to find our missionary action in the world: “The Saint of Assisi [Francis] understood that all the gifts and charisms that God gives must always be placed at the service of the Church, which is the Body of Christ. Communion requires paying attention to the inspiration of the Holy
Spirit, praying, asking for and discovering the gifts and charisms that the same Spirit arouses in the Church, in each one of the members of the people of God, and nourishing oneself and participating in an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Synodality is a call to co-responsibility and the participation of those who make up the great
People of God. It is an invitation as a member of the People of God to live in this way. The God of St. Francis is not the result of speculation or a studied theology, but He is the God revealed in His life, felt as a saving force, light, life, love, an unprecedented and always attractive reality. The unceasing prayer of Saint Francis is based on the certainty that God is
the supreme good, all good.
1 The synodality-communion to which Pope Francis invites becomes a pastoral challenge for the Secular Franciscan Order to contemplate St. Francis more deeply in order to take initiatives like him. This leads us to
rebuild church-communities, to be available, to have initiatives that take us to the Muslim world and to the marginalized, initiatives that involve us in the formation of priests, initiatives that lead us to speak and listen to the bishops and the Pope. Initiatives that lead us all together to live the dream of God, One and Triune. It is a challenge not to leave the world
but to enter more and more into it and from there to make God’s dream possible: synodality is witness to divine life.”
Questions for personal and fraternal reflection:
▪ How would you specify some of the challenges presented in this reflection?
▪ What other challenges do you think we have as a Church?
▪ What do you think is the dream that God is inspiring Pope Francis about you?
Every session of the Second Vatican Council began with the prayer Adsumus Sancte Spiritus, the first word of the Latin
original meaning, “We stand before You, Holy Spirit,” which has been historically used at Councils, Synods and other
Church gatherings for hundreds of years, being attributed to Saint Isidore of Seville (c. 560 – 4 April 636). As we are
called to embrace this synodal path of Synod 2021-2023, this prayer invites the Holy Spirit to work within us so that we
may be a community and a people of grace. For Synod 2021-2023, we propose to use this simplified version, so that any
group or liturgical assembly can pray more easily:
1 Cf. Vicente Valtueña, Juan. M. Revista Seminarios, Volumen 55 – año 2009.
Posted By Kate Kleinert, on October 13th, 2020
Posted By Kate Kleinert, on September 3rd, 2020 The Holy See
[27 September 2020]
Like Jesus Christ, forced to flee.
Welcoming, protecting, promoting and integrating
internally displaced persons
At the beginning of this year, in my Address to the members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to
the Holy See, I pointed to the tragedy of internally displaced people as one of the challenges of
our contemporary world: “Situations of conflict and humanitarian emergencies, aggravated by
climate change, are increasing the numbers of displaced persons and affecting people already
living in a state of dire poverty. Many of the countries experiencing these situations lack adequate
structures for meeting the needs of the displaced” (9 January 2020).
The Migrants and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
has issued the document “Pastoral Orientations on Internally Displaced People” (Vatican City, 5
May 2020), which aims to inspire and encourage the pastoral work of the Church in this specific
For these reasons, I have decided to devote this Message to the drama of internally displaced
persons, an often unseen tragedy that the global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has
only exacerbated. In fact, due to its virulence, severity and geographical extent, this crisis has
impacted on many other humanitarian emergencies that affect millions of people, which has
relegated to the bottom of national political agendas those urgent international efforts essential to
saving lives. But “this is not a time for forgetfulness. The crisis we are facing should not make us
forget the many other crises that bring suffering to so many people” (Urbi et Orbi Message, 12
April 2020).
In the light of the tragic events that have marked 2020, I would like this Message, although
concerned with internally displaced persons, to embrace all those who are experiencing situations
of precariousness, abandonment, marginalization and rejection as a result of COVID-19.
I would like to start with the image that inspired Pope Pius XII in his Apostolic Constitution Exsul
Familia (1 August 1952). During the flight into Egypt, the child Jesus experienced with his parents
the tragic fate of the displaced and refugees, “which is marked by fear, uncertainty and unease (cf.
Mt 2:13-15, 19-23). Unfortunately, in our own times, millions of families can identify with this sad
reality. Almost every day the television and papers carry news of refugees fleeing from hunger,
war and other grave dangers, in search of security and a dignified life for themselves and for their
families” (Angelus, 29 December 2013). In each of these people, forced to flee to safety, Jesus is
present as he was at the time of Herod. In the faces of the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the sick,
strangers and prisoners, we are called to see the face of Christ who pleads with us to help (cf. Mt
25:31-46). If we can recognize him in those faces, we will be the ones to thank him for having
been able to meet, love and serve him in them.
Displaced people offer us this opportunity to meet the Lord, “even though our eyes find it hard to
recognize him: his clothing in tatters, his feet dirty, his face disfigured, his body wounded, his
tongue unable to speak our language” (Homily, 15 February 2019). We are called to respond to
this pastoral challenge with the four verbs I indicated in my Message for this Day in 2018:
welcome, protect, promote and integrate. To these words, I would now like to add another six pairs
of verbs that deal with very practical actions and are linked together in a relationship of cause and
You have to know in order to understand. Knowledge is a necessary step towards understanding
others. Jesus himself tells us this in the account of the disciples on the road to Emmaus: “While
they were talking and discussing together, Jesus himself drew near and went with them, but their
eyes were kept from recognizing him” (Lk 24:15-16). When we talk about migrants and displaced
persons, all too often we stop at statistics. But it is not about statistics, it is about real people! If we
encounter them, we will get to know more about them. And knowing their stories, we will be able to
understand them. We will be able to understand, for example, that the precariousness that we
have come to experience as a result of this pandemic is a constant in the lives of displaced
It is necessary to be close in order to serve. It may seem obvious, yet often it is the contrary. “But
a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where the man was; and when he saw him, he had
compassion, and went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; then he set him
on his own beast and brought him to an inn, and took care of him” (Lk 10:33-34). Fears and
prejudices – all too many prejudices – keep us distant from others and often prevent us from
“becoming neighbours” to them and serving them with love. Drawing close to others often means
being willing to take risks, as so many doctors and nurses have taught us in recent months. This
readiness to draw near and serve goes beyond a mere sense of duty. Jesus gave us the greatest
example of this when he washed the feet of his disciples: he took off his cloak, knelt down and
dirtied his hands (cf. Jn 13:1-15).
In order to be reconciled, we need to listen. God himself taught us this by sending his Son into the
world. He wanted to listen to the plea of suffering humanity with human ears: “For God so loved
the world that he gave his only-begotten Son… that the world might be saved through him” (Jn
3:16-17). A love that reconciles and saves begins with listening. In today’s world, messages
multiply but the practice of listening is being lost. Yet it is only through humble and attentive
listening that we can truly be reconciled. In 2020, silence has reigned for weeks in our streets. A
dramatic and troubling silence, but one that has given us the opportunity to listen to the plea of the
vulnerable, the displaced and our seriously ill planet. Listening gives us an opportunity to be
reconciled with our neighbour, with all those who have been “discarded”, with ourselves and with
God, who never tires of offering us his mercy.
In order to grow, it is necessary to share. Sharing was an essential element of the first Christian
community: “Now the company of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said
that any of the things which he possessed was his own, but they had everything in common” (Acts
4:32). God did not want the resources of our planet to benefit only a few. This was not the Lord’s
will! We have to learn to share in order to grow together, leaving no one behind. The pandemic
has reminded us how we are all in the same boat. Realizing that we have the same concerns and
fears has shown us once more that no one can be saved alone. To grow truly, we must grow
together, sharing what we have, like the boy who offered Jesus five barley loaves and two fish…
yet they proved enough for five thousand people (cf. Jn 6:1-15)!
We need to be involved in order to promote. As Jesus was with the Samaritan woman (cf. Jn 4:1-
30). The Lord approaches her, listens to her, speaks to her heart, and then leads her to the truth
and makes her a herald of the Good News: “Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did! Can
this be the Christ?” (v. 29). Sometimes the impulse to serve others prevents us from seeing their
real riches. If we really want to promote those whom we assist, we must involve them and make
them agents in their own redemption. The pandemic has reminded us of how essential coresponsibility is, and that only with the contribution of everyone – even of those groups so often
underestimated – can we face this crisis. We must find “the courage to create spaces where
everyone can recognize that they are called, and to allow new forms of hospitality, fraternity and
solidarity” (Meditation in Saint Peter’s Square, 27 March 2020).
It is necessary to cooperate in order to build. That is what the Apostle Paul tells the community of
Corinth: “I appeal to you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree and
that there be no dissensions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same
judgement” (1 Cor 1:10). Building the Kingdom of God is a duty common to all Christians, and for
this reason it is necessary that we learn to cooperate, without yielding to the temptation to
jealousy, discord and division. In the present context it should be reiterated: “This is not a time for
self-centredness, because the challenge we are facing is shared by all, without distinguishing
between persons” (Urbi et Orbi Message, 12 April 2020). To preserve our common home and
make it conform more and more to God’s original plan, we must commit ourselves to ensuring
international cooperation, global solidarity and local commitment, leaving no one excluded.
I would like to conclude with a prayer suggested by the example of Saint Joseph at the time he
was forced to flee to Egypt to save the child Jesus.
Father, you entrusted to Saint Joseph what you held most precious: the child Jesus and his
Mother, in order to protect them from the dangers and threats of the wicked.
Grant that we may experience his protection and help. May he, who shared in the sufferings of
those who flee from the hatred of the powerful, console and protect all our brothers and sisters
driven by war, poverty and necessity to leave their homes and their lands to set out as refugees
for safer places.
Help them, through the intercession of Saint Joseph, to find the strength to persevere, give them
comfort in sorrows and courage amid their trials.
Grant to those who welcome them some of the tender love of this just and wise father, who loved
Jesus as a true son and sustained Mary at every step of the way.
May he, who earned his bread by the work of his hands, watch over those who have seen
everything in life taken away and obtain for them the dignity of a job and the serenity of a home.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, your Son, whom Saint Joseph saved by fleeing to Egypt, and
trusting in the intercession of the Virgin Mary, whom he loved as a faithful husband in accordance
with your will. Amen.
Rome, Saint John Lateran, 13 May 2020, Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Fatima.
©Copyright – Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Posted By Kate Kleinert, on June 5th, 2020 Statement on Racism from the National Commission of Justice,
Peace and Integrity of Creation of the U.S. Secular Franciscan
How long, O LORD, must I cry for help and you do not listen?
Or cry out to you, “Violence!” and you do not intervene?
Why do you let me see iniquity?
Why do you simply gaze at evil?
Destruction and violence are before me;
there is strife and discord. (Habakkuk 1: 2-3)
Once again, the wound of racism in our society has been exposed because of what appears to be
careless and irresponsible behavior by persons whom we should trust to keep peace and encourage
non-violence: law enforcement officers and public officials.
The National Commission of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation of the Secular Franciscan Order
in the United States, hereby declares that racism is morally wrong. It does not love or respect life.
Neither Scripture, our Rule of Life nor our faith justifies it, for any reason, or under any circumstance.
Our Catholic social teaching calls us to respect and honor the dignity of every human life, from the
womb to natural death. It makes no exclusions on the basis of color or ethnicity and calls out no other
distinction to be excluded. We are called to honor and respect the lives of people we love and people
whom we may find it hard to love; people who are like us and people who are different from us.
The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many others each have their
tragic and brutal circumstances, but share a central question that cannot be ignored: If they had been
white, and the circumstances were identical, would they be alive?
As Catholic Christians and Franciscans, we owe it to ourselves to do the following in response to
To identify and eradicate the structures in our societal institutions that perpetuate racism, and
replace them with structures that are fair and just, and that value the lives and gifts of every
To pray for an end to racism; indeed, to pray for interracial solidarity, for our laws and our faith
practices to reflect our compassion and value for the dignity of every human life; and that we
lovers and followers of Jesus and Francis of Assisi, be leaders in bringing about a rightly
informed sense of racial equity and justice in our land and in our Church.
To identify and confront our own unconscious racial biases. After a shared history of hundreds
of years in this country, we all have them. They make their way into our lives and culture, often
unnoticed. But we can become more just and open by discovering these unconscious biases
and replace them with love and engagement.
And finally, we need to have safe and meaningful dialogue about those racial biases. We owe it to
ourselves and to our brothers and sisters to develop a strong sense of community and fraternity
through peaceful conversations. This is truly a conversion moment where dialogue and education are
needed. Our Holy Rule calls us to be “bearers of peace” and we all must bear the burden of peace as
we walk this journey towards holiness as brothers and sisters, with open hands and joyful hearts.
Come, Holy Spirit! Lord, make it so!
Posted By Kate Kleinert, on June 5th, 2020 Prayer to Overcome Racism
Mary, friend and mother to all, through your Son, God has found a way to unite himself
to every human being, called to be one people, sisters and brothers to each other.
We ask for your help in calling on your Son, seeking forgiveness for the times when we have
failed to love and respect one another. We ask for your help in obtaining from your Son the
grace we need to overcome the evil of racism and to build a just society. We ask for your help in
following your Son, so that prejudice and animosity will no longer infect our minds or hearts but
will be replaced with a love that respects the dignity of each person.
Mother of the Church, the Spirit of your Son Jesus warms our hearts: pray for us.
Posted By Kate Kleinert, on May 17th, 2020 With the start of Laudato Si Week today and the recent conclusion of the National JPIC Commission Conference, I prepared the attached newsletter for local fraternities to use to promote JPIC.
Of important note is our call to pray on Sunday, May 24th at noon (local time) as part of a global Care for Creation.
Hopefully this will bring you all up to date on what is happening at the National Level and local level concerning JPIC. As you will see, we all need to pray over our outlook and our understanding of what JPIC means to each of us. There is always room for lots of dialogue and discussion when we can get back together as fraternities, because I know how we all miss the company and togetherness.
May God continue to watch over each of us as we continue with our daily lives!
Yours in Christ,
Jeffrey C Redder, OFS
SKD Regional JPIC Animator
May 2020-SKD JPIC Animator Laudato-Si-Bulletin-Insert USCCB Laudato-Si-discussion-guide
Posted By Kate Kleinert, on September 6th, 2019 Saint Katharine Drexel Region
Secular Franciscan Order (USA)
Justice, Peace, & the Integrity of Creation
September 2019
· Greetings
I am again looking at what has been on the news this past month and asking myself, what should I bring up as some subjects for this month, September 2019. To start off the month, I keep thinking about the some of the news stories that are making the news. It is sad to keep hearing another shooting taking place here in our country. The question that comes to mind is “What makes them do these things? Is there no other way to solve whatever the problem is.” I just went to the Annual JPIC Animator Conference and there were so many issues talked about. I still have to get my trip report done and sent out. But I would like to send an invitation out to all fraternities that I would be willing to come talk to you about what I learned about JPIC. One of the main themes is that we as Franciscans are doing JPIC in our daily lives as we live out our profession. It is part of who we are, being loving, kind, compassionate, and merciful. One of the other main themes, avoid violence in how we deal with others and respect others as human beings, as we are all born in the image and likeness of God. Love our neighbor as our selves. All sounds easy, but not so easy to put into daily practice. With being open to the power of the Holy Spirit and letting God guide us, we can do these things. Also, with the help from each other, being family.
As we look at some of the positive events that have happened. The Pope announcing 8 new Cardinals to the Council of Cardinals. Mostly from third would countries, giving more voice to these people. This is all part of Peace and Justice. Must have peace to have justice. Let us keep the Pope and all the leaders of the Church in our daily thoughts and prayers. They have a very hard and pressing job to deal with each day. It is sad to hear about people trying to attach and take down our leaders. Check weekly on the United States Bishops Conference website to see what is happening in our country. Also, check with what is going on at the local level both with the Church and local government. Lots of good being done. We as Franciscans should be helping with spreading that good news. Again, as I read my different magazines, I see and read about how many different people are working to save Mother Earth so she will be around for many years for our grandchildren to enjoy as we enjoy the earth today. I will be gone to Italy from 12 Sep. to Oct 7th. So when I get back, I will give a report on the Franciscan Pilgrim Study. Teresa and I am looking forward to the trip and all the learning about both SS Francis and Clare. My email is: jcredder@gmail.com
Posted By Kate Kleinert, on September 1st, 2019
Posted By Kate Kleinert, on March 21st, 2019 Thanks to our sister, Teresa Redder, OSF, for sharing this great video. Take a minute and watch!