CIOFS Electon Results

Peace to each of your hearts!

Through the kindness of our International Councillor, Mary Stronach, OFS, we have learned the results of the Chapter of Elections for our International Fraternity held in Assisi:

Our new General Minister is Tibor Kauser, OFS, from Hungary.

Our new Vice General Minister is Maria Consuelo De Nunez (Chelito), OFS, from Venezuela.

The remaining Councillors are:

  • Ana Fruk, OFS, from Croatia
  • Ana Maria Raffo Laos, OFS, from Peru
  • Attilio Galimberti, OFS, from Italy
  • Michel Janian, OFS, from Lebanon
  • Diana Silva Noemi, OFS, from Argentina
  • Jenny Harrington, OFS, from South Africa
  • Augustine Young Hak Yoon, OFS, from Korea

Please hold them in prayer as they begin their term of service to each of us.


XIVth General Chapter of the OFS

The Order’s General Chapter is now taking place through Saturday, November 8th.

The General Minister of the OFS (Secular Franciscan Order), Encarnita del Pozo, has officially opened the XIVth General Chapter of the OFS (its sixth elective Chapter), taking place in Assisi, Italy, until November 8.

The 85 voting members of the Chapter will discuss these coming days important aspects of the life of the Secular Franciscan Order and take decisions about its future. They will also elect the new leadership team of the OFS for the next six years.

You can follow the news on the CIOFS website here.

There is also a Twitter account set up where news is also being posted: @GeneralChapterOFS

Please be sure to keep our international brothers and sisters in your prayers during this important gathering.

Update: Consecrated Host that was to be used in Oklahoma black mass returned

(See previous post)

“I am relieved that we have been able to secure the return of the sacred Host, and that we have prevented its desecration as part of a planned satanic ritual,” said Archbishop Paul Coakley of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. “I remain concerned about the dark powers that this satanic worship invites into our community and the spiritual danger that this poses to all who are involved in it, directly or indirectly.”

Details on the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City website.

Please join the united campaign of prayer in response to planned Oklahoma City black mass

As many of you may already know, a group of occultists have scheduled a black mass at the Oklahoma City Center Music Hall on Sept. 21. Although Oklahoma’s  governor has strongly condemned the event, lawyers for the state have said that nothing can be done to prevent it.

Below are some links to additional information. Please be sure to join with our brothers and sisters in the Diocese of Tulsa and the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City as they fervently pray and fast for the cancellation of this blasphemy.

Background on the story from the secular press (venture into the comment section with care):

From Catholic sources: