Is God calling you to walk in the footsteps
of Saint Francis of Assisi?

Come and see how Secular Franciscans live joyfully In the world & celebrate God’s creation.

The Secular Franciscan Order (SFO) is a branch of the world-wide Franciscan Family. We are single and married. Some of us are diocesan clergy. We work, worship and play in the community where we live.

The SFO was established by St. Francis of Assisi more than 800 years ago. Our purpose is to bring the gospel to life where we live and where we work. We look for practical ways to embrace the gospel in our lives and try to help others to do likewise.

A local group of Secular Franciscans is probably meeting near you. Please use this map to locate your closest fraternity or feel free to contact one of the members of our Regional Executive Council who will be happy to put you in touch with a Fraternity near you.

About our region

All local Secular Franciscan fraternities in the United States are organized into one of 30 regions. The Saint Katharine Drexel Region includes parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. There are currently 27 local fraternities in the region. We are under the patronage of St. Katharine Drexel, who was a Secular Franciscan and whose feast we celebrate on March 3rd.

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From the Heart of Our Regional Minister - November, 2015

My dear brothers and sisters, it is November….already! It is a month of earlier darkness, chillier weather, and holidays breathing down our necks. But it is also a month of remembering – all saints, all souls, all our loved ones who have gone to God. If you have recently lost a loved one, these days can be difficult.

bench-forest-trees-pathEcclesiastes 3:1 states: For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. For those who have gone before us, their season has come to an end. They are reaping the harvest of their lives in the Kingdom of God.

Our seasons continue – not one day shorter or longer than God intended. What has God planned for our season? Sometimes it is so clear and other times….not so much. Some of us think we have our entire season figured out. (ah….that would be me) When my husband passed, I felt like my season had come to an end, too. It was logical…to me. And being hardheaded, it took quite some time to figure out that it wasn’t over; and even longer to be able to move forward without feeling guilty. God clearly has a plan for the second act of my season. But it wasn’t until I was willing to move towards it, that it began to be clearer and not so frightening.

All of us made room for a servant leadership role on the day of our Profession. “Yes, Lord, this is what I want.” Our Regional Chapter of Elections will be held on March 19, 2016. Now is the time to ask God to allow you hear His call, either for you to step up or to nominate someone. Our Sister, Lois Pestritto, OFS, has sent out the nomination instructions with the ‘job descriptions’ for each position. If there are brothers and/or sisters in your fraternity who do not have access to a computer or who may need help sending a reply to Lois, please reach out. It is the work of a true servant!

And during this month of honoring those who have passed into eternal life, let us pray for each other’s loved ones. It’s what family does!


Daily Reflections from Fr. Francis - October, 2015

St. Francis & The EucharistOctober 2015

Almighty, eternal, just, and merciful God,

grant to us wretches, by your will, to do what we know you wish,

and ever to wish what pleases you,

in order that, purified in soul, lighted up within,

and inflamed by the fire of the Holy Spirit,

we may follow the footsteps of your Son,

our Lord Jesus Christ,

and reach you, Most High, by your grace alone.

For you live and reign and are glorified,

in perfect Trinity and simple Unity, Almighty God

for ever and ever.


(Letter to the Chapter)

The daily Franciscan verses are taken from A letter on the Passing of Saint Francis attributed to Elias of Assisi.  Thoughts for each day are taken from Words of Blessed John Paul II.


To Gregory, his beloved brother in Christ, the minister of the brothers who are in France, together with all his brothers and ours, Brother Elias, a sinner, sends greetings. Before I begin to write, I sigh, and rightly so – Intelligence may drive machines, but it is the heart that beats with life!


My groans gush forth like waters in a flood. For what I feared has overtaken me and has overtaken you. And what I dreaded has happened to me and to you. – Allow God to enter your life: Then you will brighten with divine light.


Our consoler has gone away from us and he who carried us in his arms like lambs has gone on a journey to a far away country. – Without eternal life, temporal existence, however rich, however highly developed in all aspects, in the end brings man nothing other than the ineluctable necessity of death. » Click to continue reading “Daily Reflections from Fr. Francis – October, 2015” »

From the Desk of Fr. Francis - October 2015

st__francis_of_assisi_icon_by_theophilia-d85whr3October 2015

Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis,

The Lord bless you with His peace!

Bringing the month of September to a close, the Catholic Church in Cuba and the United States was privileged to receive the Holy Father, Pope Francis, on a pastoral visit. As Chief Shepherd of the Catholic Church he was coming to address the World Meeting of Families being held in Philadelphia. But also, as Chief Shepherd, he took the opportunity to speak with his spiritual children in Cuba, and three cities in the United States: Washington DC, New York City, and finally Philadelphia. Everywhere he went, the welcome and joy was overwhelming. His message was simple, to the point, non-judgmental, directly challenging the various matters that besiege the world today, both Catholic and secular. The specific purpose of his journey was the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, yet all the matters about which he spoke or mentioned affect the world community of whatever background, and specifically families that form the nucleus of society.

Everything the Holy Father mentioned will no doubt be published soon and commented on for a while. Politicians will speculate about what side of the political spectrum he favored. Society will speculate what issues he manifested a more liberal approach towards. Religious bodies and/or individuals will offer remarks concerning his liberal or traditional views. Dialogue and discussion of topics mentioned and comments made are part of growing in knowledge and understanding, we must remember our Holy Father was here as a religious leader who is called to speak the Gospel truth of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is a living Word that lives today, in the twenty-first century, and thus will also have an impact on the life of today’s world, Christian as well as not. It might be a profitable idea, once his talks are available, for the fraternities to read and reflect upon them, openly and honestly. The Franciscan, especially the Secular Brother and Sisterhood, lives in society and are called to express the Gospel life in an everyday experience, in fidelity to Christ, Tradition, and the Magisterium » Click to continue reading “From the Desk of Fr. Francis – October 2015” »

Thoughts from your Regional Formation Director - October 2015

sdcjpgDear Brothers and Sisters,

May the Peace of the Lord be with you!

I have had the privilege and pleasure of visiting Fraternities in our Region especially over the last three months. At some of the gatherings I sat in on formation lessons, others just for a visit to see what was going on and to offer any help needed. In a few fraternities I was part of the ongoing formation and I used the San Damiano Cross as the topic of instruction. Not only did Francis hear the Lord calling him to service but there are also so many other figures on the cross to learn about.

We examined each figure on the Cross and discovered that all the figures next to Jesus are the same size, the Mother of God and John under the protection of God’s hand, a small faced unidentified participant, and, among the many other figures, trying to find the Rooster was an especially graced moment, producing many laughs. The most interesting observation for me, however, was the discovery of the shells that go all around the outside of the cross. They symbolize the celebration of life from the depths of the deep to the highest heavens. » Click to continue reading “Thoughts from your Regional Formation Director – October 2015” »

Brother Larry to greet Pope Francis!

brother LarryBIG NEWS! Our beloved Brother Larry Hilferty, TOR, Regional Spiritual Assistant to St. Katharine Drexel Region and local Spiritual Assistant to St. Bonaventure Fraternity has been asked to greet the Pope! He wants to give the Pope one of our orange ribbon/Tau cross pins in support of the martyred Middle Eastern Christians. We all just stepped a little closer to our Holy Father and rejoice in the honor bestowed on Brother Larry!


From Our National JPIC Animator: The Season of Caring for Creation

Greetings of peace, my dear brothers and sisters!

I pray this finds you blessed, favored and filled with the peace of our Lord!

September 1 was the World Day of Prayer for Creation which begins the Season of Caring for Creation. The season goes to the Solemnity of our Seraphic Father, Saint Francis. For very obvious reasons, I have given it a Franciscan flavah! Oh yeah!

Attached please find the prayers to pray and celebrate Sister Mother Earth throughout the Season of Caring for Creation. There are five weeks to pray, reflect, and take some small actions to care for creation. To those who attended the retreat, these might look familiar. You got to pray the communal format, which was framed by the Canticle of the Creatures.

Also, the Week of Nonviolent Action for Campaign Nonviolence is the 20 – 27 September. This includes the International Day of Peace on September 21. Lots of goodies to pray for and about. Remember: Contemplate… Educate… Animate!

For more information about the Season of Creation, check out This page will lead you to more resources to aid you in your praying for and with Sister Mother Earth.

Please let me know how you use these. It is always a blessing to read your comments and stories.

Right after the Season of Caring for Creation, comes the 12 Weeks of Franciscan Peace! My goodness, there is no shortage of prayers for us! With all of the recent gun violence, we certainly need to pray; and Franciscans are powerful pray-ers!

I have also attached the updated 12 Weeks of Franciscan Peace (the dates have been updated).

Again, any comments or questions, send to
Wishing you blessings of love, peace and all good,

Carolyn D. Townes, OFS
National Animator of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation
U.S. Secular Franciscan Order

Animate Peace

From the Heart of Our Regional Minsiter - September, 2015

francis_leper2Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis,

PEACE to each of your hearts!

In the courthouse where I work, as in many office buildings, there is one special room where everyone congregates … the snack bar! This is the place where you can find everything that health care professionals tell you isn’t at all good for you but which, in times of stress, provides the most comfort. That’s not to say that healthy choices aren’t available, but when given the choice between chocolate cupcakes or trail mix, the chocolate cupcakes win 95% of the time! What makes this place so special isn’t all of the snacks that are available, but the tiny woman who serves the owner of the store. Her name is Marie. She’s an Irish South Philly gal from Epiphany Parish. She’s a retired parish secretary and has held countless jobs in her lifetime. She’s raised a family; her children are adults and living their lives, but Mom’s house is still the place to be on any given Sunday.

Each of us has a place in God’s scheme of things, and Marie’s place, at this period of her life, is with us at the courthouse, because she brings Jesus there. Her workspace is small; her duties are many. She knows what each of her customers like and makes sure that those items are always available. Philly soft pretzels and low-fat chocolate milk are staples for many (me included) and Marie insures there’s a steady supply. But of all the things Marie does, the one thing she does best is LOVE. When you walk into her small domain, her love is as palpable as the cool air flowing from the refrigerator when the door is opened or the welcome smell of coffee coming from the ever-filled pots. A cheery hello is always at the ready and a listening … truly listening … ear awaits each person who walks through her door.

Through her door pass angry prospective jurors, frightened defendants and their families, anxious lawyers, and young and not-so-young employees. Marie takes the “red flannel underwear principle” seriously. Each person she meets is treated with respect, cheerfulness and dignity. She has a special place in her heart for the young … who flock to her like birds to a feeder full of seed. Marie’s little room is truly a “no judgment zone.” You may walk in feeling awful, but you leave with a lighter heart because you have been touched in some small way by unconditional love. A smile or a single word of encouragement can go a long way in the middle of a tough day … Marie provides just that each and every day.

I thought of Marie as I as watching Pope Francis and the People aired by the ABC Network. The compassion, love and encouragement shown by our Holy Father throughout that program mirrors for us the love and compassion of our beloved, Jesus, who yearns for us and begs us to allow Him to walk more closely with us each day of our lives. Let us pray, that we, who profess to live the Gospel life, may be true mirrors of the love of Jesus to others and, in a sense, become “no judgment zones” so as to draw others to the heart of Jesus who is love and forgiveness itself.


Blessings, every good, and much love,


From the Pen of our Formation Director – September, 2015

taucross1Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I have put together a program for the Newly Professed that you may like to use and I hope it will be helpful. I am always available for anyone who may have questions 732 408 6653 or


This program for the Newly Professed is advocated by a mystagogia-type in the General Constitutions (Article 44.2) and the Guidelines for Initial Formation in the Secular Franciscan Order in the United States. (Chapter 3 28) This phase gives the newly professed an opportunity to delve more deeply into the mysteries of Franciscan spirituality and to make the conversion process an integral part of their daily lives. The program begins with a theme, followed by an article of the Rule, a scripture reference, reflective silence, a Presentation, a Francis experience, keeping a journal, sharing and prayer. The text will be “To Live as Francis Lived.”


ARTICLE 12 Witnessing yet to the good yet to come and obliged to acquire purity of heart because of the vocation they have embraced, they should set themselves free to love God and their brothers and sisters.

Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:3 and John 15:5

Reflective Silence: quiet reflection on the passages selected.

Presentation: A presentation on Franciscan humility the twin of Poverty page 69-70

Francis experience: Read page 71 in text The Humility of Saint Francis

Journaling: Write about what St. Francis’ experience means to you.

Questions for Reflection: What is humility? What words best describe the ingredients of humility?

Discussion: Application in Daily Life, What saying of Saint Francis on humility has the most impact?

PRAYER: “Of myself I can do nothing.” I praise you and thank you, my Creator, for what you choose to do in and through me. Amen


Love and Peace,


From the Desk of Fr. Francis - September, 2015

stigmataofstfrancisDear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis,

The Lord bless you with His peace!

Divisions within the church. Disagreements about how to worship. Questions about marriage. Sexual temptations and improprieties. Compromise with society’s views. Issues we hear or read about so often, and many others we are aware of, face us every day.

These issues date back years, even to the early Church. Remember the Church in Corinth where St. Paul had spent at least eighteen months after establishing the church there, serving and teaching the people while on his second missionary journey. Corinth was a major cosmopolitan city, an important commercial trade center by the sea. It had a strong reputation, for rampant sexual immorality and loose living. This church of old was having many of the very same troubles we face today. The problems still remain in our world, and always will. People of faith, true believers, just don’t seem to fit well within the opinions of the culture of the “modern world”.

Yet, no matter how convinced we are of what we profess as Christians, we try so hard to “fit in.” We don’t want to look different. We don’t want to be accused of being judgmental or unloving. We want to be “relevant” for today and stay with the times, right? » Click to continue reading “From the Desk of Fr. Francis – September, 2015” »

Daily Reflections from Fr Francis - September, 2015

St. Francis & The EucharistLet us desire nothing else,

let us wish for nothing else,

let nothing else please us and cause us delight,

except our Creator and redeemer and Savior,

the one true God, Who is fullness of Good,

all Good, every Good, the true and Supreme Good,

Who alone is merciful and gentle, delectable and sweet,

Who alone is holy, just and true, holy and right,

Who alone is kind, innocent, pure,

from Whom and through Whom and in Whom

is all pardon, all grace, all glory …

Therefore, let nothing hinder us,

nothing separate us or come between us.

Let us all, wherever we are …

Glorify and exalt, magnify and give thanks to the Most High

and supreme eternal God … Amen.

(Saint Francis of Assisi)

The month of September celebrates the Impression of the Sacred Stigmata on the Body of our Seraphic father St. Francis of Assisi. Following are excerpts taken from Considerations on the Stigmata, found in many editions of The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi. Daily reflections are taken from Various writings of St. Francis.


In the year of 1224, St. Francis went…from the Valley of Spoleto into Romagna, taking with him brother Leo… Francis heard that many gentlemen were gathered together…he said to brother Leo, Come, let us go up into this festival, for, by God’s help, we shall gather there rich spiritual fruit. – We can be sure someone is a true religious and has the spirit of God if his lower nature does not give way to pride when God accomplishes some good through him. (Admonitions, 12)


A certain gentlemen of Tuscany…Orlando of Chiusi … had heard concerning the holiness and miracles of St. Francis and bore him great devotion and had a desire to see him and hear him preach…Francis came to the castle…where the gentlemen were gathered…and spoke these words, So great is the joy which I expect. That all pain is joy to me. – Blessed the religious who treasures up for heaven the favors God has given him and does not want to show them off for what he can get out of them. (Admonitions, 28)


Orlando was touched in the heart by God…After dinner returning to St. Francis, he spoke with him at length, and in the end said, I have a mountain in Tuscany, a devout and solitary place, called Mount Alvernia, far from all discourse with people, well fitted for one who would do penance for his sins. If it please you, I will freely give it to you and your companions for the welfare of my soul. – Blessed the religious who keeps God’s marvelous doings to himself. (Admonitions, 28) » Click to continue reading “Daily Reflections from Fr Francis – September, 2015” »