Is God calling you to walk in the footsteps
of Saint Francis of Assisi?

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The Secular Franciscan Order (SFO) is a branch of the world-wide Franciscan Family. We are single and married. Some of us are diocesan clergy. We work, worship and play in the community where we live.

The SFO was established by St. Francis of Assisi more than 800 years ago. Our purpose is to bring the gospel to life where we live and where we work. We look for practical ways to embrace the gospel in our lives and try to help others to do likewise.

A local group of Secular Franciscans is probably meeting near you. Please use this map to locate your closest fraternity or feel free to contact one of the members of our Regional Executive Council who will be happy to put you in touch with a Fraternity near you.

About our region

All local Secular Franciscan fraternities in the United States are organized into one of 30 regions. The Saint Katharine Drexel Region includes parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. There are currently 27 local fraternities in the region. We are under the patronage of St. Katharine Drexel, who was a Secular Franciscan and whose feast we celebrate on March 3rd.

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Fr. Francis’ Reflections – July 2014


Embrace the poor Christ.

Look upon Him Who became contemptible for you,

and follow Him, making yourself contemptible in this world for Him.

… gaze, consider, contemplate desiring to imitate …

Who though more beautiful than the children of men became,

for your salvation, the lowest of men,

was despised, struck, scourged untold times

throughout His entire body,

and then died amid the suffering of the Cross.

(St. Clare of Assisi – Second Letter to St. Agnes of Prague)

Following are excerpts taken from The Romanticism of St. Francis by Father Cuthbert, O.F.M. Cap. ed.1924. Daily reflections are taken from Day by Day with by Pope John Paul II. » Click to continue reading “Fr. Francis’ Reflections – July 2014” »

From the Heart of Our Minister – July 2014

Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis,

doorways_assisiPeace to each of your hearts as we begin in earnest our journey through Summer! I hope each of you is able to steal some time away for some rest and relaxation!

Scenario … picture this. You’re out on a leisurely summer’s day. It’s hot, so you decide to take yourself to a nice, air-conditioned book store to just browse! All of a sudden, you’re back to your car with bags full of books which you fully intend to read … someday. You don’t know exactly why you bought them, but something tells you there’s a reason which will one day be revealed. I have a friend who is very much like this, and her bookshelves show it. I’m afraid, much to my chagrin, I’ve picked up the habit too, although my shelves are paltry in comparison to hers. Fortunately for my wallet, the bookstore is no longer in the area (although on-line purchases are always available). » Click to continue reading “From the Heart of Our Minister – July 2014” »